Friday, January 29, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 26

I feel good again.  I feel really good!  Today is my partner’s Birthday and I am excited about that.  Yee ha!  What a fun day we will have!!!!!

I am becoming clearer lately about what I want, need and desire.  Not necessarily in that order, but clarity is a good thing.  Without clarity, the Universe or my Vortex cannot bring me anything.  Without clarity for me to focus upon how can I get excited about what I am creating?  Without clarity how can I share with others what I want?  Without clarity how can I refine what I am receiving to sift out the unwanted?

These are all rhetorical questions needless to say, but what I am excited about is the level of clarity and not just that, but the conversations I need to have as well.  I am receiving very sweet and loving ways to deal with these conversations.  The ideas are bubbling up inside me and this is bringing me peace. 

I know this is the Law of Attraction in action!

And at the same time I am turning this clarity and these ideas over to my Vortex. I know and am becoming clearer about who I am, what I like, what I want and what I need.  I hope and trust it will all work out.

I am so grateful for my clarity and passion for life and living.  All is well and so it is...

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