Monday, January 4, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Diet - Day 1

I am so excited about today. It is the official day I am beginning this 90-Day Vortex Diet journey. It should be quite an adventure and experience, especially the part about me writing about it on a daily basis. Wow!

So, here's to the Law of Attraction and what Abraham has been teaching us for a number of years. Since finishing the book, "The Vortex" by Esther and Jerry Hicks, I have had the pleasure of toying with these concepts. I have seen the inkling of some results and I have seen positive steps in my self and in what the Universe has been bringing me. BUT, this is not the end...

As I wrote yesterday, I am on my knees and at my wit's end as far as creating and experiencing my life as a miracle and creative endeavor. I have been in more of a survival mode for a few years. And what's challenging is when something outside of me has been showing up contrary to what I want, I have been bogged down by this for several days and weeks and suffered the consequences of my "focus".

The more I lament and judge, the more I find to lament about and judge. Interesting how that works! Again, it's all about the Law of Attraction and where I choose to place my focus.

This grand experiment is for me to consistently practice turning my focus away from what I don't want and focus on what I want to create. I am going to shift my focus whenever I find myself in contrast, negativity or upset. I am going to take a moment to check in with my "Vortex" (spirit or non-physical self) before I make any decisions, take any actions or even speak. I am going to do as the book tells us to do, to focus on my connection with My Vortex and feeling good.

Nothing is more important than that I feel good! This is going to be my primary focus.

I will use the book as a guide when I feel stress or contrast and lose sight of my Vortex. I will share all of this journey with you as well as the results.

Ya'll come back now! Ya' here? XOXOXO

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