Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Reflexions and insights from my holiday travels.

Things happened better than I could have imagined during the Holidays. I kept focusing on being a good feeling place. I kept practicing being grateful and being of service and just holding a space for everyone I was around. It was a relatively relaxing experience all around.

I can now clearly see the wisdom in letting go and allowing myself to FEEL my way to a better life. I can see this is the way.

I simply focus on me and my connection in each and every moment. That is all I have to do. This connection feeds me, calms me down and gives me faith and hope.

These practices have paid off well during these holidays and have shown me they deserve much closer attention and focus; hence, my decision to go on an “official” Vortex Diet of the Mind.

We will see how this goes in the coming weeks as I blog about it and see what happens. 90-days commencing on January 4, 2010.

The things I would like to see show up are:

1. A deepening and enrichment of my relationship with my partner.
2. Abundance – expected and unexpected.
3. Job opportunities and possibilities.
4. Improved relationships with family and friends.
5. Positive momentum on all of the above.

There, I said it. I put it in writing. We’ll see how things go as we progress...

Monday, December 28, 2009

New Project!

Last night I watched the movie "Julie & Julia" and was inspired by Amy Adams role of blogging about her experience cooking through Julia Child's cookbook. Why do you ask? I have touched on wanting to be on what I call the Vortex diet for 90 days in several entries prior to this one.

However, I really want test the philosophy and guidance of Jerry and Esther Hicks in their latest book for myself and my life, "The Vortex".

I am going to officially begin again and blog every day about what I am experiencing on my 90 day journey. I want to not only chronicle it, I want to pass what I am learning about my SELF onto others that might be interested. I love writing in this manner and I want to write NOW, not later.

So, please check back for more updates and my sharing regarding this new "project". I will officially commence my Vortex Diet on January 4, 2010.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Holidays and Holy Days.

Here I am in Southern California in my second week of Christmas vacation enjoying family, friends, love, joy, and growing. Yes, I said growing.

I have learned, once again, that nothing in the outside world can come to me without my consent. I know that nothing in the outside world can make me feel good. It is my job to feel good, to connect and to know that I am not this body, I am not these experiences. I am so much more.

Out of this work I see the fruition, the creation, the peace, the joy and the love is all there. I am grateful for this. It allows the connection, the togetherness and so much more.

Happy New Year and so it is...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

90 Day Vortex Diet

I have been on a diet lately that I call the "Vortex Diet". I had been propelled to a place of frustration and resignation in my life. I had given up all hope of things getting better and actually enjoying life again. Why? It doesn't matter, what matters is that I was finally brought to my knees in surrender.

So, where did I go, what did I do?

I picked up a book. I picked up "The Vortex" by Esther and Jerry Hicks and started to read it ravenously.

So, I've come to the conclusion that my life has not worked for many years. I am quite tired of trying, coercing, manipulating, explaining, crying, fighting, talking, pushing and all that goes with creating through my EGO. I am exhausted and emotionally bankrupt.

I decided, in picking up this amazing book, to go on what I call a "Vortex Diet" for a minimum of 90 days. Why? To "test" the concepts in this book really intently and consciously.

What this means is looking to the positive and what I am creating at all times. This means praying and turning my cheek from what I don't want. This means focus on what I like about life and being grateful. This means finding a way to alter my focus when I find myself lamenting or trying to manipulate life. No really!

  1. I will pick up the book and read a passage when I need to turn my focus around.
  2. I will choose another subject if I cannot be in "alignment" in one particular area of life.
  3. My Mala beads have also been instrumental in being grateful. I will do a round being grateful for something with each bead.
  4. I can also take a deep breath and FEEL my connection with my non-physical self.
  5. I can pray

These are just a few of this "new practices" I have been putting into place and the best result so far is that I feel better. I no longer feel resigned about life and I see how my joy is returning. Yay!

It's only been three weeks on my "diet". I've got a few more days to go, so...stay tuned for more...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thoughts about the Holidays.

So many people to acknowledge, so little time. So many folks in my life that I want to buy "things" for.

Is this because I want to or is this the greedy capitalist machine driving me?

Quite honestly, I don't care! I love to give and be generous with my friends and family. I like them to know they are special to me during this time of year.

Now for the next question; why during this time of year? Why not all the time?

That is an awesome question and I believe that I do express myself to my friends and family quite honestly and openly most of the time. I LOVE to tell my friends and family I love and appreciate them. It only takes a moment and it usually impacts them in a positive way.

I do my best to live by this code as much as possible, however, being human has it's foibles and pitfalls. My ego has gotten in the way for so many years in so many ways. I KNOW now it is a moment by moment challenge to stay in an attitude of love, gratitude and appreciation.

In my personal work, I have made it a priority to be and feel my connection with my non-physical self. It is the single most important thing I can do for myself and those that I love.

Why? Well, I have noticed that the more I take care of my SELF and not look to others, the better the relationships and circumstances are that show up. It isn't a selfish thing, it is a highly spiritual thing because no one can help me with my connection with Source. They can point me in the direction, but I have to take the steps. I have to do the work.

So, this Holiday Season I am working on my connection with Source first. That is my gift to my SELF. This is also my gift to my family, friends and acquaintances. If I am in a great space, then everyone benefits.

Wow, can it really be that easy? Time and trial will tell...