Sunday, February 14, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 42

I am feeling under the weather today, but I feel great otherwise.  I feel like I made some powerful choices these past few weeks and I feel good by it…really good.

It has been especially challenging dealing with my anxiety.  I have recently become aware that anxiety is perhaps my biggest foe I have had in my life up to this point.  I am glad I found some good ways to deal with it and to help ease the experience.  It has brought immediate relief from the voice in my head that has kept me in a shitty place for most of my life.  Thank you God!

Now that I have some stability I feel like I am going to make progress rapidly!  No, I don’t just feel it, I KNOW IT!

I did not get the job with the Pharmacy I interviewed with last week. What I am elated about is that the opportunity came to me with ease and grace.  I only had to do research on the company, show up and interview and trust the process.  It was an amazing fit and I am so excited that I didn’t have to hunt or compete for it.  IT CAME TO ME!!!!

This is what this whole Vortex Experience is all about!  Yee Ha!

Am I bummed I didn't get it?  HECK NO!  It is a clear sign because almost everything was perfect.  It just wasn't a fit for the company and I am happy and grateful they found the right person!  It was an amazing position!

Other than Valentine’s day, I am going to celebrate in gratitude today.  All is well and so it is…

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