Friday, February 5, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 33

I had a relatively good day yesterday, but the evening didn't go so well.  I had a personal experience with someone that was extremely untasty.  When I tried to communicate about it and share my experience it felt like everything was thrown back in my face.  It was a horrible experience and I had to back off as I just got more and more upset.  Horribly upset.  Nothing I did would calm me down and bring me peace.  I had to completely acquiesce to stop the argument.

Then I proceeded to do some work and exercises that I learned from my Mediumship Coach, Rev. Drew Vogt of Celebrate Life (

I lay down on my bed and invited my Spirit Guides to come in and assist me.  This is a VERY IMPORTANT step.  Remember, we always have free will, so our guides cannot come in to help unless we consciously invite them in and give them permission to work on us.  They will not interfere with me or whatever I am going through.  The point being it is a CONSCIOUS act of inviting them in for help or communication.  It is never automatic.  They ALWAYS honor free will.

I invited them in to work with me energetically and within 15 minutes I felt much better.  I was also a tad euphoric from the brief experience.  Within a few minutes after getting back up, I cried for a few minutes and got in touch with some very deep hurt and sadness.  I will be speaking with my therapist about some of what came up and to learn what I need to learn to stop this mad cycle I've been on for so long.

Anyway, It's late and I want to relax for the remainder of the evening.  Check back soon for the ongoing updates of keeping my alignment and eye on my Spirit.  And so it is...

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