Monday, May 17, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

Wow!  I am in a space today of deep gratitude for my experience over these last few months "playing with" the Law of Attraction and The Vortex.

My life has been completely turned around and I am living an amazing experience of synchronicity, ease and grace. I have been having tears of gratitude all day long.  I am soooooooooo deeply grateful!

I came down to Palm Springs to scope out a new place to live.  Well, I found a place that fits my circumstances so well it is uncanny.  It was not a struggle or effort at all.  Wow!  It came to me, just like Jerry and Esther and so many others have been teaching me/us.

Did I have to work for it?  Well, duh, of course I did!  But let me explain, it was not an EFFORT kind of work...

  1. I first had to come to Palm Springs for Spring Break to check things out and see if this would work?
  2. I networked with friends and family and clarified my desires and needs.
  3. I had to place a Craigslist ad under "Room Wanted".  I was guided by my spirit guides to do that.
  4. I had to come to Palm Springs to pick the place.
  5. I had to meet folks and feel the spaces out and see what I liked and what I didn't.  I had to have clarity for the Law of Attraction to work with.
  6. These are just a few of the many things I "did" in keeping my focus sharp as well as all the exercises that I'd picked up and practiced during the 90-Day Vortex Experience.
So, here I sit in Palm Springs in awe and gratitude at how easy this is getting.  Yes, EASY!

I met great, supportive and loving folks all weekend.  I found an amazing space to live.  I got to go dancing Country Western and the list goes on...

Anyone doubting the "Law of Attraction" or "The Secret" I have a message for you.

Do what I did and try it out for a specific period of time and see what happens.  I don't mean just kind of try.  I mean really focus on what you want and find ways to keep yourself feeling good and focused no matter what is happening around you.  I did and my life has done a 180 degree turn and I am just amazed and grateful!

It wasn't always easy at first, but it did bear fruit and now it just gets easier and easier the more I practice it.  I can't wait to see what's next!  What a delicious adventure!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

For those of you out there that doubt the principles of The Law of Attraction, The Secret or The Vortex, I am living proof that this stuff works.  It may not have been easy at first, but they work!

I have been on a roll lately.  I have reached a point of clarity in my life that is unparalleled and I am not turning back for anything.  What happened you ask?  Well I will tell you...

You know how a rubber band can stretch and stretch, but it returns to the same place when released.  Well that is kind of what has been happening to me over the last few years, but I feel like the last time I stretched my rubber band broke.  That will happen if you stretch it too far...

When it broke I acted from a place of exhaustion from the constant stretching.  I was worn out and could not stretch anymore...

What came up for me during these experiences, events and conversations is a peace that I have never felt inside myself EVER.  That is why I know that recent events are the best for me.  This has also become my litmus test of whether or not I am in My Vortex.  Do I feel peace or does this possible direction bring me a sense of peace?

So, I am embarking on a new life adventure.  I am relocating to Palm Springs, CA at the end of this month.  I am going to be VERY close to my family AND I will be ultimately pursuing spiritual work full time.

Wow! What an interesting turn of events.  What a wonderful adventure!  What a wonderful life!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

I am amazed at how easy this is becoming!  It seems the more I authentically express myself, my needs, my desires AND my boundaries with compassion, the more wonderful things are turning out for me.  It really is amazing to my "human" mind anyway.  When I connect with Source, I feel this is just the way to be...

I have been on quite a journey since beginning "The 90-Day Vortex Experience".  My life has taken a complete turn and I am now heading in a direction that feels good AND evidence is showing up that I am on the right track.

How do I KNOW that so profoundly?  Because I feel the peace in my heart and in my body.  It is palpable and real.  It has become my "test" as it were when deciding what to do.  I consider what is bringing me peace and tranquility.  That is the steps I take and continue to take.

I am so excited because I feel alive for the first time ever.  Yes, I said ever.  I have spent so many years doing and being what others wanted of me.  Out of The 90-Day Vortex Experience I realized that and turned it around.

So now, the places where I encounter resistance I back off from because that is not contributing to my peace and tranquility.  It is that easy.

I am embarking on an amazing adventure this summer and I can't wait to share it.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

About a week ago I made a snap decision and reacted to something that had been going on around me for some time now.  It was my emotional response to preserve and protect my SELF.  I am not proud of the way the communication came out, but I am proud that I finally said what needed to be said.

So, let me look at this from the perspective of the "Law of Attraction" and "The Vortex".  My emotional guidance system pointed me to conclude that something was causing way too much pain.  Something was out of whack.  The pain was the clue that I was NOT in my Vortex of creation and that something needed to get looked at and shifted.  So, I worked through my pain and the tears and got into communication.

It ended up not so pretty because I did the snap decision thing I tend to do and communicated in a manner that left the other person bewildered, cut off and shocked.  Basically I dropped a bomb.  This is saying it mildly for sure...  When I get clear and am coming from my "default" way of being I don't leave others room to respond, react or be in communication.  This happened to someone very near and dear to me.

Well, by focusing on what I wanted and not what I didn't want.  I went about my business of making arrangements and plans.  In this focus I was powerfully, with emotion, focusing on what I want to create.  This is a very powerful place to play from.  Focus with emotion equals invoking the law of attraction with power and focus.  This is what I've been attempting to do for some time now, but the part I had been leaving out was the communication piece.  Being honest with where I am and trusting that others will react with compassion and love.

Well the long story short is by holding firm to my ground (my Vortex) and my "decision" I saw a shift in this other person such that they began a conversation to break the ice.  We hadn't spoken for a week and it had been pretty uncomfortable.

We are going to work together on seeing what we can do to rescue the friendship.  There is a lot that needs to be said between us, but I am clear that I finally broke through an ugly barrier that I have run up against my entire life.  What is that barrier you ask?

The barrier of putting EVERYONE first and being subservient to their desires and needs.  My needs have taken a backseat for a LONG whole life!

Exhausted, I had no other recourse than to set a limit and say this is it!  No more!  Sometimes being in my Vortex means having to make unpopular decisions by taking care of my SELF.  Like the flight attendant tells us, "please place the mask over your face first before trying to assist anyone else, including small children traveling with you."  I cannot help or love and appreciate others without having done that for my SELF first.