Thursday, July 30, 2009

Speaking about Shamanism...

I spoke at The Celebration last night. It was great. I spoke about Shamanism and Spiritualism and why they are so close to each other and don’t conflict. What I got out of this talk is that there are a lot of folks out there searching for meaning and for a spirituality that works and is in alignment with everything. I know that Shamanism is a li

nk and that my role is possibly going to be teaching the mainstream about Shamanism and its simple and basic practices and principles.

People are yearning for something that they cannot put to words or in a desire, but they soak up anything about the law of attraction, energy, focus and spirit communication. It is amazing to see and witness.

I am so happy to be finding this path. I love to speak and I love to be in front of people. I love to answer questions and I LOVE to hear about other people’s experiences. We all have something to offer the planet.

Someone needs to challenge the status quo and bring about a shift in human consciousness. I am still not sure what my role in all of this is, but I am willing to walk my path and take on whatever Spirit has in store for me to do and perform.

What I do know is that today I feel good. I feel connected and I feel supported by the Universe. I know that I am learning and growing at a rapid pace and that I am being restored to a sense of wholeness, love and joy that I have never felt before. It feels real and that is all I know.

My connection to Source is a palpable feeling and energetic connection I nurture through my spiritual practices. As I deepen these feelings my faith, trust and joy deepens as well. It is delicious and, yes, it’s that simple!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

More Druid wisdom...

The Three foundations of Success: bold design; frequent practice; frequent mistakes.

When planning, allow yourself to think boldly and freely – later you can temper your thoughts, if necessary, to suit your purpose. Practice the skills needed to achieve your goals often, and allow yourself to make mistakes, for it is often only in the missing of the mark that you discover the exact location of the target.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Resistance is futile...

I am simply amazed at how easy this experience of life can be. When I don't resist the way spirit has shown up for me in the present moment things go amazingly smooth and easy. It is when I resist how things are that I suffer. This can be as simple as being upset over a delay in public transit...

Why resist what is there? Can I change it? Can I do anything about it? If not, then resisting just causes upset in me and others. Why bother!

So each day is a journey now. I am delighted to see what shows up each day in the direction of my focus (or desires). I have put the Law of Attraction into action, now it is my job to trust it and to take the steps in front of me. It is all Source!!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Druid wisdom...

A Druid Triad:

The three foundations of friendship are: respect and trust; understanding and forbearance; a loving heart and helpful hands.

For friendship to last and for it to be deep, it is not enough to simply like each other. There must be mutual understanding and tolerance, trust and respect, and above all, there must be a genuine fondness for each other, and a willingness to be of help, when needed.

Monday, July 20, 2009

New Blog! Yay!

Ok, so here we go. Today I created this account on this site and thanks for the Google affiliation I didn't have to do anything. Technology is so freakin' kewl.

Hopefully I'll be able to link this from my website so we'll see how that's gonna go. I'll put a few of my posts from my website blog until I get this all linked up...

Anyway, first posting, back to what I want to say.

I just got back from the Kabuki Hot Springs Spa doing a round in the sauna, steam, cold plunge and hot tub. I call it an urban sweat. I do it as it is recommended on the plaque in the vanity area. It really does make a difference. I always feel lighter and more connected after a couple hours and it's fun as well.

Anyway, It's late and I'm relaxing for the evening now...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Great Affirmation

Be still and know that I AM Source in the midst of you. I AM the BREATH you breathe, the LIFE you live the THOUGHTS you think, the DREAMS you express, and the STEPS you take toward your manifest wholeness. I AM that I AM in the midst of you. As you look for ways to serve me in an attitude of grateful service, I say unto you, seek no more. Only listen to the still small voice within you, for I AM the master plan, the compass of your life, the stern and bow of your ship as you travel upon the sea of life. Be still and know that I will never leave you or forsake you, for I AM the inseparable place in you that makes everything perfect, whole and complete.

Rev. Herracia Brewer

Excerpted from Science of Mind Magazine

July 2009, Pg. 51

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thought for the day...

I believe if we aren't making mistakes, then we aren't trying new things and certainly not growing! It is only by missing the mark that we learn how and where to aim...

This came up for me today because I have been struggling with what I am creating in my life. I think that I am not doing enough sometimes and my mistakes can frustrate me.

I keep forgetting that the best things in humanity were created by trying different things out...

Sunday, July 5, 2009


I have been looking at what I have been wanting to create lately and getting a tad upset because things are not here yet. Ha! What a laugh and how human (egoic) of me...

I love consciously creating stuff and I love focusing my thoughts and energy towards creating. We are ALWAYS creating stuff in our lives, either unconsciously or consciously. I prefer the latter as it denotes a level of awareness and consciousness.

You see, I don’t believe in accidents and I don’t believe that what has happened to me prior to this moment dictates my future. I KNOW my focus dictates my future and nothing more.

My humanity (ego) has been getting frustrated with this whole process and waits and waits for evidence to appear... What a laugh! Do the birds, bees and fauna focus and wait?

Creation is as it is right here and right now. It is as it should be now. It can’t be any other way or it would be. So why do I think I am any different or separated from the Universe which effortlessly expresses itself in the moment? I am not!

So my role is to express myself in the moment as the moment dictates and to live fully enjoying every experience and moment. They are all gifts!