Thursday, September 17, 2009

The conditioned mind is a LIAR!

I have spent my whole life judging and criticizing others for not meeting my expectations or “stories” of who and what they should be. My upset ALWAYS comes from a disparity between who I believe someone is or should be and how they are showing up. So, the past few days I have been reminding myself that the voice in my head lies. I don’t really KNOW who these folks are or

myself for that matter… Wow!

So sitting in the unknown and unknowable is much more peaceful and fulfilling. I know that all is well regardless of what is showing up because Spirit cannot be anything other than perfect and EVERYTHING is Spirit. Everything is light or energy and vibrating with life. Life ALWAYS supports itself.

So what this means for me is that I can trust what and how things are showing up now. I can KNOW that all is well. I can trust that everything I need or desire is coming to fruition now easily and effortlessly. I can trust the guidance in my heart, intuition and my Spirit guides. I am so grateful for this truth and realization. So may it be…

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Energy in Motion

For me, life is all about God or Spirit or Source. Tapping into that life consciously and living from there allowing guidance and synchronicity to come about naturally. It really is that simple. It just isn’t that easy since the human drama pulls on me too!

Emotions are a very powerful energy form in my life. I can see how they can take me off Center extremely fast. I get trapped by them and pulled away from a sense of peace and Center rather quickly.

I think what I am doing is identifying with the emotion rather than allowing myself to feel it and pass through. After all, the word "emotion" means energy in motion. I can see this. If I just allow the energy to move through me rather than identifying with it I will be more free. I will gain valuable insight as to the experience that triggered the emotional response. I can learn and progress rather than get stopped by it if I allow it to move through rather than stop it by identifying with it.

I experience sadness and anger. I am NOT sadness or anger. I AM Spirit or Source AS Stefen having these experiences simply for the experience of it and/or to learn from them. I really do believe it is that simple. And so it is…

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The insanity of humanity...

I feel much better today. I am connected, centered and empty of my drama and bullshit! It took dinner with a friend and speaking about it with a few other folks before I lost the energy that had built up. It's like a pressure valve inside me that needs to be bled regularly and if it doesn't then it can build up and potentially explode. Eew!

When I get like that I feel like such a basket case. I feel like I am a total fuck up and that I am never going to get better or have a life worth a shit. I know this is NOT the truth, but that is how I feel at times...

I am clear that this life is a constant challenge and evolution. I need to continually surrender EVERYTHING to Spirit and allow myself to be led and guided. It is that simple, but it is a challenge as I “think” I know what’s best for me. I know I am more at peace when I process these human emotions and experiences and then tune into Spirit and allow myself to be guided and directed.

I am getting excited again about life and where I am going. I know it is all-good and it is all Spirit! The future is bright and I am going to begin giving myself permission to have a ball again. It is time to live in the moment and enjoy this experience, my friends and family and all that life has to offer. So may it be…