Yesterday went extremely well. I accomplished a lot AND got to the gym to begin again my physical fitness routine of Yoga, cardio, core and weights. It was wonderful to get back into the swing of things after the holidays. My body LOVED it!
What really hits home for me about the Law of Attraction and The Vortex is the simplicity of the concepts. It is putting it into practice that is the challenge. You know how that is, when things don't go the way you want them to?... I don't know about you but my mind wants to immediately go to judging, criticizing, justifying and positioning. It is an automatic response that I have been conditioned into. It really takes effort to shift my focus and get back into my Vortex.
One of the concepts from the book that really helps me is that if I cannot shift my focus in a particular area of my life, then think of an area of my life where I can. For example: If I cannot shift my to my focus in the subject of my career, then, focus on a subject where I can regain my improved focus like my relationship, or my health or some other area where I can easily grab good feelings, thoughts and be grateful and full of appreciation.
Over and over again, in all of their books and audio programs that I have read or heard, Esther & Jerry Hicks tell us that nothing is more important than that we FEEL GOOD! Period!
I am taking this to heart. This is the simple and easy focus of my Vortex Diet. Focus upon feeling good and supporting that for 90-Days and see what happens...
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