Friday, January 22, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 19

I had a great day yesterday.  It was raining cats and dogs here in the Bay Area.  The rain is a welcome experience for me.  It brings us precious water, washes everything and freshens the air.  I like the rain as long as I don't get wet while I'm out in it...

I had a coaching session with my minister yesterday around my Mediumship education.  I have been taking Mediumship classes for almost a year now.  I love them, but more importantly, I love my one-on-one sessions with the Rev...

Yesterday he asked me if I had anything in my life that I wanted to bring up that had some affect or effect on my Mediumship skill development.  Of course I did!  I brought up my experiences over this past week of getting knocked off kilter by focusing on things I don't want.  I was in a pickle several times where the gerbil wheel in my head would NOT STOP SPINNING!  Have you ever had that experience?

I don't know about you, but my gerbil wheel goes faster and faster as the thoughts seem to spin out of control.  It regurgitates the same thoughts, but they seem to get more and more intense, animated and agitated as it spins.  I have been using some of the tools and processes that our outlined in "The Vortex" as well as the other works of Abraham Hicks.  I will get some temporary relief, but my mind returns to that darn 'ol gerbil wheel quite quickly.  Nothing seems to bring lasting relief until I deal with the feelings, thoughts or energy that I am holding on to.

The phrase, "resistance is futile" comes to mind...

Last night Rev. Drew gave me an additional tool or two to try when I am in this place.  One of the tools is a good 'ol fashioned walk, but with a twist.  While I am walking I am to actively notice life and nature around me and to be present to beauty and things I appreciate and like while I am walking.  This is completely non-verbal AND circumvents the gerbil wheel.  I really liked this suggestion.  I have tried all the other ways to shift my energy and focus.  My methods (reading, meditation, affirmations, etc.) were all mental in nature and require mental effort.

Another idea that came to me as he shared this one was for me to get a beautiful picture book to look at and get present to things I like and appreciate.  I can also look in my photo albums and remember trips and events from my past that bring good memories.  And finally, I can turn on some good feeling music and sing my heart out...

That's enough for now...  XOXOXO

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