Yesterday was an amazing day. It was my partner's Birthday so the entire day centered around him and celebrating his birth. It was a delicious day! It really, REALLY was...
The best thing I want to communicate is that by focusing on my Vortex or balancing my energy I am receiving not only physical results, but intuitive and intellectual results as well. Let me explain...
The book, "The Vortex" tells me to connect and seek alignment with my Vortex before I do anything or say anything. I have taken this to heart and have surrendered all of the unwanted to my Vortex. I still notice from time to time, but I thank the contrast and remember it is what creates better situations in life. Yes, contrast is good!
In surrendering all of this first, I am having ideas and thoughts come to me as a way to communicate with these individuals in my life. I am getting clearer about what I want, need and desire and then I must communicate and share with others or set limits and make corrections at times.
Yesterday a phrase came to me during meditation and prayer time. This phrase was used to communicate and share with another individual something of great importance to me. The phrase that came to me was non-judgemental, loving and authentic to me. When I shared it this person was so moved by what I said that they cried. Wow!
I guess thoughts and mental inspiration are some of what I am attracting. I like that because sometimes I get stuck and hold back what I have to say...
Palm Springs based Shaman, Medium, Healer, Teacher and Mystic. Unleashing Humanity's Divinity!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 26
I feel good again. I feel really good! Today is my partner’s Birthday and I am excited about that. Yee ha! What a fun day we will have!!!!!
I am becoming clearer lately about what I want, need and desire. Not necessarily in that order, but clarity is a good thing. Without clarity, the Universe or my Vortex cannot bring me anything. Without clarity for me to focus upon how can I get excited about what I am creating? Without clarity how can I share with others what I want? Without clarity how can I refine what I am receiving to sift out the unwanted?
These are all rhetorical questions needless to say, but what I am excited about is the level of clarity and not just that, but the conversations I need to have as well. I am receiving very sweet and loving ways to deal with these conversations. The ideas are bubbling up inside me and this is bringing me peace.
I know this is the Law of Attraction in action!
And at the same time I am turning this clarity and these ideas over to my Vortex. I know and am becoming clearer about who I am, what I like, what I want and what I need. I hope and trust it will all work out.
I am so grateful for my clarity and passion for life and living. All is well and so it is...
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 25
Wow! 25 days into this experience. It really doesn't feel like I've been focusing on this that long, but I guess I have. Isn't it interesting how time can either drag or fly by?...
The more I take care of my SELF and manage my own connection with my non-physical self or my Vortex, the calmer I am and the easier things seem to be unfolding. This is the whole point of this experiment!
Before I began this experiment I was so frustrated by this human drama and all that goes with it. I was tired of trying so darn hard and feeling like I was getting no where. I was frustrated with looking at what was NOT working and worrying about what I want to create. I was so exhausted that words cannot do this state of consciousness justice. I was at my wits end. End of story!
This experiment is my second lease on life. I am trying all over again to create an amazing life and an amazing experience. I am taking to heart that my human efforts will get me no where and this has certainly been my experience up to this point in my life.
I look back on my life and the most free that I have ever been is when I am in a space of complete surrender and trust in the Universe. I don't have a lot of experience with this because I was not brought up to believe I was a spiritual/energetic entity experiencing this human form. I was brought up believing something else that was not very empowering... Sound familiar?
My goal and charge now is to unlearn all of my human misconceptions and myths as quickly as possible and to practice who and what I really in motion.
I surrender to the Divine Energies that operate the Universe in perfect balance, harmony, order and rhythm.
And so it is...
The more I take care of my SELF and manage my own connection with my non-physical self or my Vortex, the calmer I am and the easier things seem to be unfolding. This is the whole point of this experiment!
Before I began this experiment I was so frustrated by this human drama and all that goes with it. I was tired of trying so darn hard and feeling like I was getting no where. I was frustrated with looking at what was NOT working and worrying about what I want to create. I was so exhausted that words cannot do this state of consciousness justice. I was at my wits end. End of story!
This experiment is my second lease on life. I am trying all over again to create an amazing life and an amazing experience. I am taking to heart that my human efforts will get me no where and this has certainly been my experience up to this point in my life.
I look back on my life and the most free that I have ever been is when I am in a space of complete surrender and trust in the Universe. I don't have a lot of experience with this because I was not brought up to believe I was a spiritual/energetic entity experiencing this human form. I was brought up believing something else that was not very empowering... Sound familiar?
My goal and charge now is to unlearn all of my human misconceptions and myths as quickly as possible and to practice who and what I really in motion.
I surrender to the Divine Energies that operate the Universe in perfect balance, harmony, order and rhythm.
And so it is...
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 24
Yesterday and this past week have been a tad crammed for me. It has been extremely busy thanks to beginning classes at City College.
Last night after meeting with my Shaman Circle, three members mentioned how tired I looked. They must have seen the past few days in my face and energy. Aha! I think there is a lesson here...
If I look at this from the perspective of the Law of Attraction and The Vortex I can easily say those comments from my friends are the result of my Vortex pulling to me supportive conversations around my well-being. It is important to me to be well rested and as mentally clear as possible at all times. These comments are simply a reflection of that passion and dedication that I hold for my health and well-being.
Or I could go the other way about these comments and say, "how rude!" "How dare they say such a thing!" Well, that is NOT a very supportive conversation so I didn't look that way. I easily chose the empowering interpretation.
This is a result of this "Vortex Experience" process. I immediately went to an empowering interpretation, instead of a negative one. Two or three months ago I would have rebutted and defended myself and all of that goo in my gerbil wheel. This is AWESOME NEWS!
On the other side of this conversation I was pondering this morning about my other commitments and wondering how all of this is going to fit with the addition of 5 classes this semester...
It came to me to be patient with myself and to stop trying to figure it out. I will return to my "Vortex" when I start worrying about ANYTHING, especially my new schedule...
Last night after meeting with my Shaman Circle, three members mentioned how tired I looked. They must have seen the past few days in my face and energy. Aha! I think there is a lesson here...
If I look at this from the perspective of the Law of Attraction and The Vortex I can easily say those comments from my friends are the result of my Vortex pulling to me supportive conversations around my well-being. It is important to me to be well rested and as mentally clear as possible at all times. These comments are simply a reflection of that passion and dedication that I hold for my health and well-being.
Or I could go the other way about these comments and say, "how rude!" "How dare they say such a thing!" Well, that is NOT a very supportive conversation so I didn't look that way. I easily chose the empowering interpretation.
This is a result of this "Vortex Experience" process. I immediately went to an empowering interpretation, instead of a negative one. Two or three months ago I would have rebutted and defended myself and all of that goo in my gerbil wheel. This is AWESOME NEWS!
On the other side of this conversation I was pondering this morning about my other commitments and wondering how all of this is going to fit with the addition of 5 classes this semester...
It came to me to be patient with myself and to stop trying to figure it out. I will return to my "Vortex" when I start worrying about ANYTHING, especially my new schedule...
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 23
I feel good lately! This is what it vital and really important. I have to feel good about life in general, my goals and the direction I am headingI am finding myself surrendering my anxiety about school, Rodney work, ALC and my interests and needs. I have to continually surrender and let go and surrender and let go some more. It isn’t such a bad thing. It is actually a great thing because it keeps me sane and safe within my SELF.
My next step is to take this to the next step. It is time to up-level the vibration and rise to a higher place within my Vortex. This is my challenge, this is my goal, this is my LIFE...
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 22
I feel great today. I have a few things that have to get done today, but it is still a beautiful, wet and clear day. I like the rain when I don’t have to get wet in it.
I am having a very easy time these past few days of managing my energy and my focus. I find this interesting and I think my ‘venting’ and openly sharing last Monday had A LOT to do with this. I think the more current I am the less things will bug me and the less I will get triggered.
This means that I have to strive to stay current with EVERYTHING. I have to share, respectfully, what is going on in my head and heart in the moment that it occurs. I have to be willing to share what is going on inside. This way nothing bottles up, but more importantly, I don’t get put on that darn gerbil wheel. I am happy and content to simply be and express who and what I really am.
A child of God choosing this incarnation called Stefen. I am grateful for this and so much more. And so it is…
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Sunday, January 24, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 21
Today's entry is going to be rather short. Why do you ask? Because I'm not feeling it today...
I got up rather early because I had to be somewhere by noon. Not a bad thing in and of itself, but it changed my morning routine completely. I had a very short meditation and prayer time, flung it in the shower and then took off...
AIDS Lifecycle 9 Kickoff today. It was fabulous seeing faces I haven't seen for a year and meeting some new friends. I love participating in the ALC! It is my instant community of positive and loving folks focused upon making a difference in the challenge we call AIDS and HIV.
Check out my personal page on the right side of this window...
Yes, I am doing a plug here! Shameless of me, but someone's got to do it... I need donations to reach my 3k minimum to ride this year. Guess how I am going to do that? By utilizing the Law of Attraction...
Big shock, huh?
Today is about relaxing and not much else. I remember well what Esther and Jerry tell me, "nothing is more important than that I feel good." Other than that, I can take life as it comes...moment by moment...
That is what I have been doing since Friday and quite honestly, I feel great! I am not worried about a thing. I will let my "Vortex" or Vibrational Escrow do the worrying for me...
Have a great day ya'll! XOXOXO
I got up rather early because I had to be somewhere by noon. Not a bad thing in and of itself, but it changed my morning routine completely. I had a very short meditation and prayer time, flung it in the shower and then took off...
AIDS Lifecycle 9 Kickoff today. It was fabulous seeing faces I haven't seen for a year and meeting some new friends. I love participating in the ALC! It is my instant community of positive and loving folks focused upon making a difference in the challenge we call AIDS and HIV.
Check out my personal page on the right side of this window...
Yes, I am doing a plug here! Shameless of me, but someone's got to do it... I need donations to reach my 3k minimum to ride this year. Guess how I am going to do that? By utilizing the Law of Attraction...
Big shock, huh?
Today is about relaxing and not much else. I remember well what Esther and Jerry tell me, "nothing is more important than that I feel good." Other than that, I can take life as it comes...moment by moment...
That is what I have been doing since Friday and quite honestly, I feel great! I am not worried about a thing. I will let my "Vortex" or Vibrational Escrow do the worrying for me...
Have a great day ya'll! XOXOXO
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 20
Wow! Day 20 - Amazing!
What's amazing is that I have been disciplined enough to write here every day and share my experiences and insights. Sometimes it is a challenge to write as there is not always something to share or, at least, that's my thought process about writing.
Yesterday I got done with Yoga class and quite honestly did not feel like doing ANYTHING. I just wanted to relax and do nothing. So, that is what I did!
It was a beautiful, rainy day and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I watched movies, poked my nose around the internet and hung out with my honey. I guess I needed the rest yesterday because that is all I was motivated to do...
I am grateful that I can do what I feel like doing in the moment. Having freedom and choices are important!
What's amazing is that I have been disciplined enough to write here every day and share my experiences and insights. Sometimes it is a challenge to write as there is not always something to share or, at least, that's my thought process about writing.
Yesterday I got done with Yoga class and quite honestly did not feel like doing ANYTHING. I just wanted to relax and do nothing. So, that is what I did!
It was a beautiful, rainy day and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I watched movies, poked my nose around the internet and hung out with my honey. I guess I needed the rest yesterday because that is all I was motivated to do...
I am grateful that I can do what I feel like doing in the moment. Having freedom and choices are important!
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Friday, January 22, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 19
I had a great day yesterday. It was raining cats and dogs here in the Bay Area. The rain is a welcome experience for me. It brings us precious water, washes everything and freshens the air. I like the rain as long as I don't get wet while I'm out in it...
I had a coaching session with my minister yesterday around my Mediumship education. I have been taking Mediumship classes for almost a year now. I love them, but more importantly, I love my one-on-one sessions with the Rev...
Yesterday he asked me if I had anything in my life that I wanted to bring up that had some affect or effect on my Mediumship skill development. Of course I did! I brought up my experiences over this past week of getting knocked off kilter by focusing on things I don't want. I was in a pickle several times where the gerbil wheel in my head would NOT STOP SPINNING! Have you ever had that experience?
I don't know about you, but my gerbil wheel goes faster and faster as the thoughts seem to spin out of control. It regurgitates the same thoughts, but they seem to get more and more intense, animated and agitated as it spins. I have been using some of the tools and processes that our outlined in "The Vortex" as well as the other works of Abraham Hicks. I will get some temporary relief, but my mind returns to that darn 'ol gerbil wheel quite quickly. Nothing seems to bring lasting relief until I deal with the feelings, thoughts or energy that I am holding on to.
The phrase, "resistance is futile" comes to mind...
Last night Rev. Drew gave me an additional tool or two to try when I am in this place. One of the tools is a good 'ol fashioned walk, but with a twist. While I am walking I am to actively notice life and nature around me and to be present to beauty and things I appreciate and like while I am walking. This is completely non-verbal AND circumvents the gerbil wheel. I really liked this suggestion. I have tried all the other ways to shift my energy and focus. My methods (reading, meditation, affirmations, etc.) were all mental in nature and require mental effort.
Another idea that came to me as he shared this one was for me to get a beautiful picture book to look at and get present to things I like and appreciate. I can also look in my photo albums and remember trips and events from my past that bring good memories. And finally, I can turn on some good feeling music and sing my heart out...
That's enough for now... XOXOXO
I had a coaching session with my minister yesterday around my Mediumship education. I have been taking Mediumship classes for almost a year now. I love them, but more importantly, I love my one-on-one sessions with the Rev...
Yesterday he asked me if I had anything in my life that I wanted to bring up that had some affect or effect on my Mediumship skill development. Of course I did! I brought up my experiences over this past week of getting knocked off kilter by focusing on things I don't want. I was in a pickle several times where the gerbil wheel in my head would NOT STOP SPINNING! Have you ever had that experience?
I don't know about you, but my gerbil wheel goes faster and faster as the thoughts seem to spin out of control. It regurgitates the same thoughts, but they seem to get more and more intense, animated and agitated as it spins. I have been using some of the tools and processes that our outlined in "The Vortex" as well as the other works of Abraham Hicks. I will get some temporary relief, but my mind returns to that darn 'ol gerbil wheel quite quickly. Nothing seems to bring lasting relief until I deal with the feelings, thoughts or energy that I am holding on to.
The phrase, "resistance is futile" comes to mind...
Last night Rev. Drew gave me an additional tool or two to try when I am in this place. One of the tools is a good 'ol fashioned walk, but with a twist. While I am walking I am to actively notice life and nature around me and to be present to beauty and things I appreciate and like while I am walking. This is completely non-verbal AND circumvents the gerbil wheel. I really liked this suggestion. I have tried all the other ways to shift my energy and focus. My methods (reading, meditation, affirmations, etc.) were all mental in nature and require mental effort.
Another idea that came to me as he shared this one was for me to get a beautiful picture book to look at and get present to things I like and appreciate. I can also look in my photo albums and remember trips and events from my past that bring good memories. And finally, I can turn on some good feeling music and sing my heart out...
That's enough for now... XOXOXO
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Diet - Day 18
I feel awesome today. It is raining and dreary but beautiful out! I am alive and well and happy to be here.
Yesterday was an awesome day! I was able to bring myself to a great feeling place thanks to the release of resistance I spoke about yesterday. There really is something amazing to all of this Law of Attraction and Vortex stuff.
I notice that I feel good and the better I feel the easier my day seems to go. Interesting how that works.
I also find that I have to keep reminding myself that this isn't about GETTING STUFF. This is about FEELING GREAT at all costs. The stuff is secondary and a by-product on my focus on Joy and feeling awesome!
This is the experiment for me in a nutshell: focus on feeling awesome at all times and see what "stuff" and "results" show up.
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Diet - Day 17
Rain, rain, go away, come back another day...
What an interesting day! It was a pretty busy day for me as I started classes again this week. I pretty much ran around all day and got wet, REAL WET!
I can't think of much else to say except that I feel REALLY great since the emotional release I arrived at on Monday evening. I'm sure the conversation between us also had a lot to do with this wonderful feeling...
I can't help but be awed by the fact that until I released the tears, fears and stress on Monday the "bottle neck" or resistance stayed firmly planted in my chest. Not a great feeling! I tried everything to release it. I prayed, I meditated, I read, and I listened to inspirational music and messages. All of that was good, but the resistance would not leave my chest. I wanted relief!
I authentically acknowledged the resistance was there and admitted to myself that I felt vulnerable and frustrated. Then, I actually began to release the resistance by crying and allowing the frustration and tears to come up and out. Then, and only then, did I begin to feel relief. AND that is exactly what this whole journey is about...RELEASING RESISTANCE.
The big lesson here for me is to feel what I am feeling and tune into it. The Vortex tells me that by tuning into the emotions I am tuning into my emotional guidance system. It will steer me perfectly at all times as long as I release the resistance.
That's all for today! XOXO
What an interesting day! It was a pretty busy day for me as I started classes again this week. I pretty much ran around all day and got wet, REAL WET!
I can't think of much else to say except that I feel REALLY great since the emotional release I arrived at on Monday evening. I'm sure the conversation between us also had a lot to do with this wonderful feeling...
I can't help but be awed by the fact that until I released the tears, fears and stress on Monday the "bottle neck" or resistance stayed firmly planted in my chest. Not a great feeling! I tried everything to release it. I prayed, I meditated, I read, and I listened to inspirational music and messages. All of that was good, but the resistance would not leave my chest. I wanted relief!
I authentically acknowledged the resistance was there and admitted to myself that I felt vulnerable and frustrated. Then, I actually began to release the resistance by crying and allowing the frustration and tears to come up and out. Then, and only then, did I begin to feel relief. AND that is exactly what this whole journey is about...RELEASING RESISTANCE.
The big lesson here for me is to feel what I am feeling and tune into it. The Vortex tells me that by tuning into the emotions I am tuning into my emotional guidance system. It will steer me perfectly at all times as long as I release the resistance.
That's all for today! XOXO
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Diet - Day 16
I feel much better today. I was able to finally get a lot of "stuff" off my chest yesterday. I feel lighter and more able to deal with what life brings me.
What I learned about myself is that I need to STOP being what I am not, be and express my SELF authentically in the moment and just trust the Universe.
I have spent the better part of my life holding back or being something I am not. It was always all out of a sense of NOT wanting to rock the boat and be accepted. The funny thing is I was never accepted in the first place when I was coming from this place. Ha Ha Ha! Why? Because I wasn’t accepting and loving my SELF first; end of discussion.
So, I have a new lease on relationships based on OVER communication rather than too little, confronting my fears and tears and just allowing myself to feel and be real in the moment. This is what I have been craving for a LOOOOOOOOOONG time. I am finally ready to simply be myself, practice living in my Vortex and see where it takes me.
I find it interesting that I am being led to these conclusions in a safe and sane manner. Except for some of the stress and feelings I am experiencing, I am being led thorough these lessons with an ease and grace that is delightful.
This Vortex Diet is bringing me very interesting experiences for expansion, growth and emotional relief… Yee ha!
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Monday, January 18, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Diet - Day 15
Yesterday was a crappy day! REAL crappy! I could not get out of my own way and get back into a good feeling space and be in my Vortex. I was focused on what I was NOT getting from life and others. Boy, oh boy, was I in a miserable place about it.
It wasn't until much later in the day after I'd given myself permission to release my tears of frustration and sadness that I had begun to feel better. I had, unknowingly, gotten myself to a BETTER FEELING PLACE by these actions. I had to release the sadness in order to get past it. In releasing the sadness I immediately felt a sense of relief in my chest and heart. I had freed up what had been blocked all day long. Interesting how that works...
I also find it interesting that I had the direct experience that I had written about the previous day. I had to practice what I had written about. I did not see this for the longest time. I just stayed in my place of being a victim and thought, "woe is me"...
So, today I will endeavor to acknowledge and be grateful for the things that ARE here now and ARE COMING. That is my intent anyway. Check back tomorrow to see how it goes...
It wasn't until much later in the day after I'd given myself permission to release my tears of frustration and sadness that I had begun to feel better. I had, unknowingly, gotten myself to a BETTER FEELING PLACE by these actions. I had to release the sadness in order to get past it. In releasing the sadness I immediately felt a sense of relief in my chest and heart. I had freed up what had been blocked all day long. Interesting how that works...
I also find it interesting that I had the direct experience that I had written about the previous day. I had to practice what I had written about. I did not see this for the longest time. I just stayed in my place of being a victim and thought, "woe is me"...
So, today I will endeavor to acknowledge and be grateful for the things that ARE here now and ARE COMING. That is my intent anyway. Check back tomorrow to see how it goes...
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Sunday, January 17, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Diet - Day 14
I ran up against a GREAT question with a good friend of mine yesterday with regards to the Law of Attraction.
Where do feeling feelings or processing grief or similar human experiences fall in the Law of Attraction?
I personally believe that feelings are meant to be felt in the moment they come up. I know if I stuff them they only get stronger, much stronger. Also in stuffing them they tend to get triggered by some of the stupidest little things and usually an uncomfortable confrontation ensues.
There is a fine line between feeling feelings and LEANING on them. I have had times in my life where I depended on my "story" or "feelings" or "trauma" to justify my existence or assist me in emotionally manipulating people and situations. That is what I call indulging my feelings. Actions or feelings shared in order to get something. It is not a cleansing process when I am coming from this place.
I believe feelings have to be felt and expressed because they are part of the totality of that which we are. We cannot get away from it. We are what we are whether we believe it or not, whether we practice it or not and whether we honor and respect it or not.
Let me get a tad specific here. I have been having some experiences in my life lately that are NOT what I wanted to create. I have to deal with my feelings about these situations rather than turn a blind eye to them. I have to feel and process these experiences to get to the LIE that I believe about myself or the situation. It is part of the cleansing process.
Simply thinking positive and good things in these situations feels like trying to put a Bandaid on an infected cut. I would NEVER do that. I would wash and clean the wound thoroughly before going to the first aid kit for a Bandaid. After dressing the wound would I learn from my mistake that caused the wound in the first place and resume with moving forward.
I have some wounds to clean this coming week! Some of them I can clean on my own and some of them I will seek the help of others. I believe all of this is progressing in the direction of my desires because through these processes I can feel the emotional and energetic improvement in my experience.
This is what it is all about for me and this is what this 90-Day Journey is all about. Have a delicious Sunday! XOXOXO
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Saturday, January 16, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Diet - Day 13
I really can't think of much to write about today. I am in what feels like a holding and/or practicing pattern.
I am continuing to focus on feeling good and taking life as it comes. This is the most important action I can take according to Esther & Jerry Hicks. This IS the main focus of this "project" and the whole point!
I am in a place of practicing, practicing, practicing.
I feel like I am getting good at this, but I want to go deeper. Much deeper! What came up last night during meditation and conversation with my guides was to increase or amplify THAT feeling. Great! That was clear.
So that is my new level of practice. Amplify the feelings of being in My Vortex. It is time to turn up the volume and see what happens. Today I will work on turning up the volume.
Let's see what happens...
I am continuing to focus on feeling good and taking life as it comes. This is the most important action I can take according to Esther & Jerry Hicks. This IS the main focus of this "project" and the whole point!
I am in a place of practicing, practicing, practicing.
I feel like I am getting good at this, but I want to go deeper. Much deeper! What came up last night during meditation and conversation with my guides was to increase or amplify THAT feeling. Great! That was clear.
So that is my new level of practice. Amplify the feelings of being in My Vortex. It is time to turn up the volume and see what happens. Today I will work on turning up the volume.
Let's see what happens...
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Friday, January 15, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Diet - Day 12
I had an interesting experience with a friend yesterday. I felt attacked by this person when I was trying to love and support them.
No matter how good my intentions may be they don't matter if the other person doesn't let it in... Hmmmmm... It reminds me of the phrase attributed to Jesus the Christ, "do not cast your pearls before swine".
The miracle is that I did not take this person's lashing out at me to heart of did I take it personally. I just excused myself. Then I went on with my day and continued to take care of myself as I've been doing.
Self love does not always look the same to me. Sometimes it is applying tough love or setting boundaries and limits with a friends or family. Sometimes it looks like receiving therapy, body work or other growth work. Sometimes it is just relaxing and reading. It really depends on the moment and what is called for.
Yesterday when I felt attacked I just let it go and kept moving. I know this person is going through a rough patch and is lashing out for whatever reason. I don't have to be a participant AND, more importantly, if this person values our relationship, they will respect where I am coming from. If not, then oh well, I will keep moving forward and just limit my contact with this individual.
This is what I call radical self-love. No one can give this to me. I have to do this. Radical self-love doesn't just mean taking care of my physical, emotional or spiritual needs. It also means protecting myself when a friend, family member or fellow human lashes out.
This is where I am today. This Vortex Diet is bringing to my awareness areas of my life in which I have not taken my self-love as serious as I could. This is not bad news, this is glad news. I can make adjustments accordingly and continue moving forward.
No matter how good my intentions may be they don't matter if the other person doesn't let it in... Hmmmmm... It reminds me of the phrase attributed to Jesus the Christ, "do not cast your pearls before swine".
The miracle is that I did not take this person's lashing out at me to heart of did I take it personally. I just excused myself. Then I went on with my day and continued to take care of myself as I've been doing.
Self love does not always look the same to me. Sometimes it is applying tough love or setting boundaries and limits with a friends or family. Sometimes it looks like receiving therapy, body work or other growth work. Sometimes it is just relaxing and reading. It really depends on the moment and what is called for.
Yesterday when I felt attacked I just let it go and kept moving. I know this person is going through a rough patch and is lashing out for whatever reason. I don't have to be a participant AND, more importantly, if this person values our relationship, they will respect where I am coming from. If not, then oh well, I will keep moving forward and just limit my contact with this individual.
This is what I call radical self-love. No one can give this to me. I have to do this. Radical self-love doesn't just mean taking care of my physical, emotional or spiritual needs. It also means protecting myself when a friend, family member or fellow human lashes out.
This is where I am today. This Vortex Diet is bringing to my awareness areas of my life in which I have not taken my self-love as serious as I could. This is not bad news, this is glad news. I can make adjustments accordingly and continue moving forward.
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
The 90-Day Vortex Diet - Day 11
I was amazed at the lovely feeling place I finally got back to yesterday. I feel good and I feel good that I am working on me again. I cannot look out at the world and expect ANYTHING! I am the source and supply of all my needs and desires through my consciousness and my gratitude.
I am ready to work again. I am ready to do work that means something in the world and is fulfilling and fun for me. I trust that as I live my life and follow what is in front of me I will be led and guided perfectly.
I am grateful for this and so much more. And so it is…
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Diet - Day 10
Yesterday was a great day, very productive, but it didn’t end that way... Why? Because of thinking! Yes, I said thinking!
I had an experience in the evening that left me feeling and thinking I was alone. I felt pushed away and ignored. Eew!
What did I get out of it? I need to stop looking for anything outside myself. I need to stop worrying about and looking at what I am NOT getting out of life. I need to stop THINKING! It is my thinking that goes haywire on me and gets me tangled in knots and feelings I don't care for. It is all my mind, it is all my mind, it is all my mind.
I snapped at some point and just started feeling good again. I cannot worry about what I am not getting or words or excuses or explanations. All I can focus on is me, my mind and my alignment with Source. The rest is driving me crazy. Really crazy!
I got the punch in the stomach I needed by reading a passage from the book, "The Vortex". on page 214:
"We want you to reach the place where you are willing...not just willing, determined...not just determined, let go of the need of control of things that are uncontrollable--like what anybody else is doing--and give your undivided attention to the only thing you can control, which is how you feel in any given circumstance."
I find it interesting how synchronicity brings me exactly what I need. All the time! Now, if I'd just get my MIND out of the way, I could allow this to happen more frequently and with some velocity...
I got the punch in the stomach I needed by reading a passage from the book, "The Vortex". on page 214:
"We want you to reach the place where you are willing...not just willing, determined...not just determined, let go of the need of control of things that are uncontrollable--like what anybody else is doing--and give your undivided attention to the only thing you can control, which is how you feel in any given circumstance."
I find it interesting how synchronicity brings me exactly what I need. All the time! Now, if I'd just get my MIND out of the way, I could allow this to happen more frequently and with some velocity...
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Diet - Day 9
Yesterday was an exceedingly low-key, calm, peaceful, productive and soothing day. Good! I needed a Monday like that!
I said a few things to my partner that had come to mind the day before thanks to this work. It was a delicious, loving and simple communication that was well received and completely understood. How wonderful to be understood. I think it had to do with me taking care of me and trusting the guidance that is being brought forward through me.
I can't think of much to share today because I am in the VERY beginning stages of this journey. For me it feels like I am new to the team and am learning all the moves and ways to play the game. Interesting analogy! I HATED sports in school...
But that is how I feel. Practice, practice and more practice. Getting stronger in my skills to shift my mind, my focus and my energy. I will find myself being a victim in the smallest of ways and will return to my practice.
I am taking life as it comes and trust I will know what to do every step of the way OR I will be shown the way. It is what this 90-Day journey is all about afterall...
For those of you making comments, I urge you to bring them on. I LOVE hearing from other folks. We can all learn so much from the sharing.
Take care ya'll! That's all for today...
I said a few things to my partner that had come to mind the day before thanks to this work. It was a delicious, loving and simple communication that was well received and completely understood. How wonderful to be understood. I think it had to do with me taking care of me and trusting the guidance that is being brought forward through me.
I can't think of much to share today because I am in the VERY beginning stages of this journey. For me it feels like I am new to the team and am learning all the moves and ways to play the game. Interesting analogy! I HATED sports in school...
But that is how I feel. Practice, practice and more practice. Getting stronger in my skills to shift my mind, my focus and my energy. I will find myself being a victim in the smallest of ways and will return to my practice.
I am taking life as it comes and trust I will know what to do every step of the way OR I will be shown the way. It is what this 90-Day journey is all about afterall...
For those of you making comments, I urge you to bring them on. I LOVE hearing from other folks. We can all learn so much from the sharing.
Take care ya'll! That's all for today...
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Monday, January 11, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Diet - Day 8
Yesterday was another extremely low key day. Good!
I am still getting over a cold or something, so I am taking it quite easy and resting a lot. I guess it was time to rest for a few days. I guess that is what being mildly sick did for me. Rest and relaxation.
I did a few errands that needed to get done AND I also watched or witnessed my mind go crazy trying to read minds and figure out the intentions of others. Hmmmm...
In my "work" yesterday with my practice of connecting with my Vortex or Non-Physical self, I was able to see some simple things I could do to improve my relationship with my partner as well as others. This is the Law of Attraction at work bringing me thoughts and ideas for improvement. Wow, I always thought it would come as circumstances, opportunities, kismet and such. Kewl, huh?
Today I made the communication that came to my mind yesterday as it would not leave my consciousness until I did so. I am already clear about that. Those nagging thoughts that are NOT negative and DON'T go away are my Vortex pushing me towards improvement. The thoughts or actions need to be expressed or communicated or processed.
Wow! Can it really be that simple?
So, let me see if I get this right...
I am still getting over a cold or something, so I am taking it quite easy and resting a lot. I guess it was time to rest for a few days. I guess that is what being mildly sick did for me. Rest and relaxation.
I did a few errands that needed to get done AND I also watched or witnessed my mind go crazy trying to read minds and figure out the intentions of others. Hmmmm...
In my "work" yesterday with my practice of connecting with my Vortex or Non-Physical self, I was able to see some simple things I could do to improve my relationship with my partner as well as others. This is the Law of Attraction at work bringing me thoughts and ideas for improvement. Wow, I always thought it would come as circumstances, opportunities, kismet and such. Kewl, huh?
Today I made the communication that came to my mind yesterday as it would not leave my consciousness until I did so. I am already clear about that. Those nagging thoughts that are NOT negative and DON'T go away are my Vortex pushing me towards improvement. The thoughts or actions need to be expressed or communicated or processed.
Wow! Can it really be that simple?
So, let me see if I get this right...
- I focus on my Vortex or Non-Physical self through connection and FEELING THE CONNECTION.
- Be appreciative and grateful for what is and what I am focusing on creating.
- Then, feelings, thoughts, actions, "coincidences" and opportunities cross my path as the direct result of my focus on improvement.
- I act upon said opportunities and communications, etc.
- I then reap the even better feelings of having had honored my Vortex and what it is bringing me.
- Be appreciative for the improvement and relish the feelings!
- And then I begin the process again...
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The 90 Day Vortex Diet - Day 7
I can't help but notice how easy it is for me to stay centered or in my Vortex the better I am feeling. I am shaking a cold and I am present to how my health can easily affect my mood or "feeling" of connection with my Vortex.
I spent the better part of yesterday resting and watching movies and resting after I realized that I was being a big baby victim again. I took a short nap, counted my Mala beads, read a little bit and then zoned out by watching movies with my honey...
I am so blessed to have such an understanding partner who doesn't take my "shit" personally. It is rare that we have a disagreement.
I am reminded of my Science of Mind magazine passage from yesterday that began with the acronym and statement:
S.T.E.P. - Stop taking everything personally!
So it is back to the practice of looking inside for my peace, wholeness, sustenance, joy, love and most importantly, self-acceptance. The rest will flow from that place. Of this I am clear since I have proven this before.
Happy Sunday! XOXOXO
I spent the better part of yesterday resting and watching movies and resting after I realized that I was being a big baby victim again. I took a short nap, counted my Mala beads, read a little bit and then zoned out by watching movies with my honey...
I am so blessed to have such an understanding partner who doesn't take my "shit" personally. It is rare that we have a disagreement.
I am reminded of my Science of Mind magazine passage from yesterday that began with the acronym and statement:
S.T.E.P. - Stop taking everything personally!
So it is back to the practice of looking inside for my peace, wholeness, sustenance, joy, love and most importantly, self-acceptance. The rest will flow from that place. Of this I am clear since I have proven this before.
Happy Sunday! XOXOXO
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Saturday, January 9, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Diet - Day 6
Yesterday was an extremely challenging day! Yes, I finally had a less than perfect day...
I am a tad under the weather with a cold and yesterday was the worst of it. I had a headache, sore throat, itchy eyes and sinuses AND an extremely short fuse.
After taking care of some work that I had to get out of the way, I was left to my own self and my own mind. Not a good thing when I am sick! I witnessed myself go into a negative state rather quickly at the drop of a pin. Yes, I did, and numerous times at that. I witnessed how needy I can be when I feel sick or down and how quickly I expect others or ANYTHING outside of myself to push me back into pure positive energy. HA!!!
My partner went out for a few hours and got stuck in a situation with no way to communicate with me that he would be a lot longer than anticipated. Boy did my mind run with that! Boy oh boy did I run with that. The sad thing is that I hurt myself more than anything else. Funny how that works, huh?
I did the best I could to bring myself back to my Center or Vortex on numerous occasions. I tried to watch TV, but everything on was stupid, depressing or uninteresting. I tried to read, but my concentration sucked from the headache. I did my Mala beads several times, but found my mind wandering and clinging to what I was obsessing and lamenting about. IT SUCKED!!
The only thing that provided some relief was sharing a bit of what my mind was going through with my partner. I am cautious about sharing some of the content of my mind when I have gone to these depths. I know most of what I am thinking, feeling or obsessing about is a projection of my own drama and has nothing to do what anyone but me.
In non-judgmentally communicating what was there for me I was finally able to free up some of the stuck energy and get back to a place of appreciation, love, and more importantly, My Vortex. Wow, what an interesting learning experience...
I am a tad under the weather with a cold and yesterday was the worst of it. I had a headache, sore throat, itchy eyes and sinuses AND an extremely short fuse.
After taking care of some work that I had to get out of the way, I was left to my own self and my own mind. Not a good thing when I am sick! I witnessed myself go into a negative state rather quickly at the drop of a pin. Yes, I did, and numerous times at that. I witnessed how needy I can be when I feel sick or down and how quickly I expect others or ANYTHING outside of myself to push me back into pure positive energy. HA!!!
My partner went out for a few hours and got stuck in a situation with no way to communicate with me that he would be a lot longer than anticipated. Boy did my mind run with that! Boy oh boy did I run with that. The sad thing is that I hurt myself more than anything else. Funny how that works, huh?
I did the best I could to bring myself back to my Center or Vortex on numerous occasions. I tried to watch TV, but everything on was stupid, depressing or uninteresting. I tried to read, but my concentration sucked from the headache. I did my Mala beads several times, but found my mind wandering and clinging to what I was obsessing and lamenting about. IT SUCKED!!
The only thing that provided some relief was sharing a bit of what my mind was going through with my partner. I am cautious about sharing some of the content of my mind when I have gone to these depths. I know most of what I am thinking, feeling or obsessing about is a projection of my own drama and has nothing to do what anyone but me.
In non-judgmentally communicating what was there for me I was finally able to free up some of the stuck energy and get back to a place of appreciation, love, and more importantly, My Vortex. Wow, what an interesting learning experience...
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Friday, January 8, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Diet - Day 5

It became bleedingly clear to me last night at my Mediumship Development Class that some people misunderstand what I mean by a "90-Day Vortex Diet". Oops! Let me clarify...
I can understand why some folks are reacting with surprise to my project's title! I don't need a nutritional diet! I am in excellent shape.
What I mean by a Diet is a mental, spiritual and energetic diet of the MIND or EGO.
I am "dieting" from the repetitive, conditioned reflexes, reactions and ways of being I have learned during this lifetime.
What I glean from the book, "The Vortex", is these conditioned and reactive responses to life are not necessarily life-affirming. Some of them are just downright destructive, judgmental and non life-affirming.
My "diet" is an exercise, an experiment and test of the concepts surrounding the Law of Attraction and repeated throughout Esther & Jerry Hicks' numerous books and CD's. I am practicing the tools and processes in this book to see what happens. Nothing more and nothing less.
I am practicing FEELING GOOD NO MATTER WHAT and keeping my eye on the prize. I am turning my cheek from my conditioned ways of being and practicing a "new" way of being.
Check back in as I continue to share my experiences...
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Diet - Day 4
I feel good and that is what matters most!
Are things where I want them? No, not completely.
Are things heading in the direction of my desires being fulfilled? You betcha! Faith can move mountains!
According to the book, "The Vortex", the contrasts I have been living and experiencing have launched numerous "rockets of desire". These "rockets of desire" cover every subject and every desire for expansion or newness I've ever thought or desired. The best thing is these "rockets of desire" are awaiting my ALIGNMENT in order to come to fruition. It's that simple.
I don't have to worry or struggle anymore. I just have to trust this and get my butt into ALIGNMENT with my Vortex (non-physical self) by reaching for improvement. The actions and steps to be taken will be obvious.
Every morning I meditate, pray and read inspirational passages to set the tone for my day. It is vital to me!
I want to share a document my Spiritualist Minister, Rev. Drew Vogt shared with us that he obtained from the Abraham-Hicks' website. I read this every morning.
Are things where I want them? No, not completely.
Are things heading in the direction of my desires being fulfilled? You betcha! Faith can move mountains!
According to the book, "The Vortex", the contrasts I have been living and experiencing have launched numerous "rockets of desire". These "rockets of desire" cover every subject and every desire for expansion or newness I've ever thought or desired. The best thing is these "rockets of desire" are awaiting my ALIGNMENT in order to come to fruition. It's that simple.
I don't have to worry or struggle anymore. I just have to trust this and get my butt into ALIGNMENT with my Vortex (non-physical self) by reaching for improvement. The actions and steps to be taken will be obvious.
Every morning I meditate, pray and read inspirational passages to set the tone for my day. It is vital to me!
I want to share a document my Spiritualist Minister, Rev. Drew Vogt shared with us that he obtained from the Abraham-Hicks' website. I read this every morning.
A Synopsis of Abraham-Hicks' Teachings
- You are a physical extension of that which is Non-physical.
- You are here in this body because you chose to be here.
- The basis of your life is freedom; the purpose of your life is joy.
- You are a creator; you create with your every thought.
- Anything that you can imagine is yours to be or do or have.
- As you are choosing your thoughts, your emotions are guiding you.
- The Universe adores your for It knows your broadest intentions.
- Relax into your natural well-being. All is well. (Really, it is!)
- You are a creator of thoughtways on your unique path to joy.
- Actions to be taken and possessions to be exchanged are by-products of your focus on joy.
- You may appropriately depart your body without illness or pain.
- You can not die; you are Everlasting Life.
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Diet - Day 3
Wow! I am amazed at how easy things have been lately. It seems counter to my human intellect that taking care of myself first, almost selfishly, really makes a difference in my life AND my relationships! I AM SEEING THE RESULTS!! Wow, I like that.
Now mind you I am not doing this for the results. I am doing this first and foremost to bring more peace and ease into my life. Lord knows I have spent many years forcing and manipulating the Universe to get what I wanted. All I had to do was figure out what I want, work on my connection and feeling good and then trust the results would show up.
Is this challenging at times? HECK YES!!!!! Sometimes I get so plugged in that it is hard to come back to Center. What do I do? I use some of the tools and processes outlined in the numerous Law of Attraction books, CD's, etc. to bring myself back to Center or a better feeling place than where I was. It works every time. I feel better within minutes.
My favorite tool so far is my Mala beads. I pull out the long strand and practice gratitude for each bead. I either just sit in gratitude or I say statements of what I am grateful for. It doesn't matter. Either way it works and moves me to a better feeling place. That is what it is all about, right? Feeling better and trusting my Vortex (non-physical self) to lead the way.
That's all for now... XOXO
Now mind you I am not doing this for the results. I am doing this first and foremost to bring more peace and ease into my life. Lord knows I have spent many years forcing and manipulating the Universe to get what I wanted. All I had to do was figure out what I want, work on my connection and feeling good and then trust the results would show up.
Is this challenging at times? HECK YES!!!!! Sometimes I get so plugged in that it is hard to come back to Center. What do I do? I use some of the tools and processes outlined in the numerous Law of Attraction books, CD's, etc. to bring myself back to Center or a better feeling place than where I was. It works every time. I feel better within minutes.
My favorite tool so far is my Mala beads. I pull out the long strand and practice gratitude for each bead. I either just sit in gratitude or I say statements of what I am grateful for. It doesn't matter. Either way it works and moves me to a better feeling place. That is what it is all about, right? Feeling better and trusting my Vortex (non-physical self) to lead the way.
That's all for now... XOXO
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Diet - Day 2
Yesterday went extremely well. I accomplished a lot AND got to the gym to begin again my physical fitness routine of Yoga, cardio, core and weights. It was wonderful to get back into the swing of things after the holidays. My body LOVED it!
What really hits home for me about the Law of Attraction and The Vortex is the simplicity of the concepts. It is putting it into practice that is the challenge. You know how that is, when things don't go the way you want them to?... I don't know about you but my mind wants to immediately go to judging, criticizing, justifying and positioning. It is an automatic response that I have been conditioned into. It really takes effort to shift my focus and get back into my Vortex.
One of the concepts from the book that really helps me is that if I cannot shift my focus in a particular area of my life, then think of an area of my life where I can. For example: If I cannot shift my to my focus in the subject of my career, then, focus on a subject where I can regain my improved focus like my relationship, or my health or some other area where I can easily grab good feelings, thoughts and be grateful and full of appreciation.
Over and over again, in all of their books and audio programs that I have read or heard, Esther & Jerry Hicks tell us that nothing is more important than that we FEEL GOOD! Period!
I am taking this to heart. This is the simple and easy focus of my Vortex Diet. Focus upon feeling good and supporting that for 90-Days and see what happens...
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Monday, January 4, 2010
The 90-Day Vortex Diet - Day 1
I am so excited about today. It is the official day I am beginning this 90-Day Vortex Diet journey. It should be quite an adventure and experience, especially the part about me writing about it on a daily basis. Wow!
So, here's to the Law of Attraction and what Abraham has been teaching us for a number of years. Since finishing the book, "The Vortex" by Esther and Jerry Hicks, I have had the pleasure of toying with these concepts. I have seen the inkling of some results and I have seen positive steps in my self and in what the Universe has been bringing me. BUT, this is not the end...
As I wrote yesterday, I am on my knees and at my wit's end as far as creating and experiencing my life as a miracle and creative endeavor. I have been in more of a survival mode for a few years. And what's challenging is when something outside of me has been showing up contrary to what I want, I have been bogged down by this for several days and weeks and suffered the consequences of my "focus".
The more I lament and judge, the more I find to lament about and judge. Interesting how that works! Again, it's all about the Law of Attraction and where I choose to place my focus.
This grand experiment is for me to consistently practice turning my focus away from what I don't want and focus on what I want to create. I am going to shift my focus whenever I find myself in contrast, negativity or upset. I am going to take a moment to check in with my "Vortex" (spirit or non-physical self) before I make any decisions, take any actions or even speak. I am going to do as the book tells us to do, to focus on my connection with My Vortex and feeling good.
Nothing is more important than that I feel good! This is going to be my primary focus.
I will use the book as a guide when I feel stress or contrast and lose sight of my Vortex. I will share all of this journey with you as well as the results.
Ya'll come back now! Ya' here? XOXOXO
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Vortex Diet outline and intent...
So, tomorrow is the big day we begin this 90+ day journey together. Why you ask? Well, I have several reasons now that you mention it...
1. I want to test this "Law of Attraction" and practice the principles laid out so clearly in The Vortex, by Esther & Jerry Hicks.
2. I want to share this journey with others.
3. I love to write.
What led me to this place of wanting to test this out? Well, a heck of a lot.
Back in November I went on a Shamanic retreat in the Sierra's for Samhain. It was a great weekend, however, there was a side of me that was still suffering and did not want to return to humanity. I have felt beat up and exhausted by life and by life's challenges recently.
I was ready to "go" as we say, but my spirit guides would have nothing to do with it. They quite clearly instructed me to come back and to listen to them. Listen, listen, listen. They are willing, able and desirous of helping me. Help in this life is what I needed because I was on my knees begging for rescue.
What I didn't realize is I needed to be rescued from myself or more specifically MY MIND!
This did not come to me easily. It took a while to see. I was guided to pick up the book, "The Vortex" and begin reading it. It had been sitting on my shelf for a few weeks gathering dust.
Upon beginning the book I, once again, became clear that my "problems" were all in my mind. It was my thoughts and beliefs that were holding me back. This was hard to swallow, so I decided to "test" it out. I decided that I needed to practice the concepts and processes in this book. Up until that point I had toyed with the processes and concepts, but quickly returned to my insanity as soon as contrast showed up the way I thought it shouldn't. Sound familiar?
In this state of despair and drama, I bought a set of Mala beads to wear. Why? Well, when I find myself stuck, I pray and get grateful. All 108 beads. EVERY time I do this my focus shifts, I feel better and things go differently. It took some work initially, but now it is getter easier.
For the next 90 days I am going on what I call The Vortex Diet. I will share this with you. I will share with you my challenges, my concerns, my ideas, my emotions, my thoughts, my wins and results and my insights. We will see what my life looks like in 90 days...
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Thought for the day...
I am sitting on my couch feeling wonderful, playing with Facebook and just feeling good. I am amazed at how easy life is becoming with this Vortex and Law of Attraction focus. It really is about feeling good and finding the next good feeling thought or experience. I am sure I will have plenty of stuff to write about in the next few months, but for now it feels like I don’t have much to write.
Well what just came to me was to use the Vortex to get organized and efficient. Yeah, that will work just fine.
So, what that means to me is to take a moment to check in with my Vortex or non-physical self and see what I am led to do after that. This feels good and feels like the right thing.
I am happy and complete today. All is well and so it is…
Well what just came to me was to use the Vortex to get organized and efficient. Yeah, that will work just fine.
So, what that means to me is to take a moment to check in with my Vortex or non-physical self and see what I am led to do after that. This feels good and feels like the right thing.
I am happy and complete today. All is well and so it is…
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year and a Happy New Me...
I am pleased that I have completed yet another year.
It has been an interesting year of awakening and taking care of myself. Very interesting to say the least! I have come back to a place that I feel I was so many years ago when I had the audacity to take care of myself first. We call this self-love and I don't mean the narcissistic type. I mean caring very deeply for the soul or non-physical and however that shows up in the moment. This means taking care of myself to FEEL GOOD at all times first and foremost. Not through running away or drugs or substances or substitutions or codependence or anything yucky.
I mean simply taking care to be in tune with my non-physical self or soul. Shifting my moment by moment focus to things that feel good or inspire me. I mean courting the presence within such that I feel no need for anything else. This place keeps me in bliss and I have watched over the last few weeks how this focus really does pay off. I feel good and things turn out better than anything I could have controlled or manipulated into being. Better yet, it is a much easier journey. Thank God!!!
I am going to begin my Vortex Diet again beginning on Monday. I will work on feeling good, staying in touch with my non-physical self or Vortex and do what is in front of me to do moment by moment. I am not sure where this will lead, but I know the peace and tranquility will be so worth it. The manifestations are a bonus and not the point of this project.
So, what is the point of this project. Shifting my focus intentionally and consistently to the wanted, to the blessings, to the gratitude, to the joy that exists when I let go of all the pressure I have learned to live within. Pressure I cause myself and pressure that others have attempted to impose upon me through the years. That is the point.
I will be sharing this journey with you daily through this blog. We'll see how this journey goes and what gets created and what gets opened up.
Ya'll come back now, Ya' here?
Abraham Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
The Vortex,
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