Wow! 30 Days already?
I feel awesome today. I FEEL supported by the Universe. I feel I am improving and growing despite some tiny little setbacks, or what seem to be setbacks...
This morning I cried a tad over some frustration I've been experiencing. It was good to do this because I immediately felt emotional relief. This is what climbing the emotional guidance scale (or ladder) is all about; improvement in how I feel.
This teaches me that crying or venting emotions are part of the process of climbing the emotional guidance scale. When I push down or repress my feelings the just get stronger, but more importantly, it blocks my progress and the receiving of my Rockets of Desire... Hmmmmmm...
One interesting new development I want to share is around the area of career. I have been looking for work for almost three years now. Uh huh, three years. It can be a daunting process to say the least.
I have been working towards shifting my previous careers in sales & marketing, management and IT this whole time. I have wanted to do something that FEELS good and uses all of my education, talents, desires and experience. I want to work with and help others. On Friday I got a call about a potential opportunity that seems like a great fit. We'll see how this turns out...
The best part about this news is that I did not have to work for the result. IT CAME TO ME!
I see this as a sign that I am on the right track with this Vortex Experience. By focusing on feeling good and connecting with my non-physical self before doing anything I am inspired to do or say certain things or the things seem to be coming to me. Yay!
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