Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

It is interesting how life can get carried away with us and we can become so embroiled in day-to-day activities and experiences. It is not my intent to take so long between blog entries, however, I have been in school and have allowed day-to-day activities and experiences to capture my full attention. Oh well, c’est la vie!  This is not necessarily a bad thing…

I wanted to take the time to write a blog entry regarding the path I have been on since May of this year. I took a humongous leap of faith when I decided to move from San Francisco to Palm Springs. I left the lot of structures, folks and support systems behind and it was hard. I went through a lot of trials and tribulations in the experiences and unfolding events that carried me up to this present moment. Do I regret what I did?  Heck no!

Let me explain.

There are numerous blog entries in here under the title of “Life Inside the Vortex” as well as “The 90-Day Vortex Experience.” These experiences taught me so much more than about the Vortex or The Law of Attraction. In many of these blog entries, I spoke about tools and ways that would keep me in a place of peace and connectedness. They worked very well. But, I think what this really is about isn’t about the tools, it was more about being connected, in a place of peace, and staying focused.

Focus and peace is what I learned through this experience more than anything else. As I drove down the coast of California, I felt a palpable sense of peace overcome my body and my emotions. This peace for me was about being connected with Source Energy.

The more I let go of focusing on things I did not want in my life, the easier and easier it was to focus upon what I wanted. This is the main message I want to convey in my blog.

I can look back through my life and see experiences where I was focused on what I did not want because I was immersed in those situations and circumstances. I think this is oftentimes the rule and not the exception for many of us. I thought that by focusing on the problem and trying to figure out how to get out of it that that was the path I needed to take.

What I know now beyond a shadow of a doubt is that effort and trying to figure things out is not being in The Vortex. The Vortex, for me, is about being connected and at peace - nothing more and nothing less.

So, my daily spiritual work now is about peace and connection with Source Energy. My work in the world is imbued with that peace. My work is unfolding with ease and joy and grace. All is really, REALLY well.

I no longer feel like I NEED to focus on what it is I am creating. I focus on what I need to do TODAY. I trust my Vortex or The Law of Attraction to bring to me everything that I have put into Mind or into the creative medium of the Universe. I have seen over the last year, especially since arriving in Palm Springs, the more I stay connected and at peace, the easier my desires and creations come to fruition.  It really is as simple as that.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

I can’t help but notice that my life is an enfoldment and unfoldment of ease and grace.  Also, if and as I savor each moment, life does not fly by so fast.  It is when I get caught up in a deadline, studying for a test or achieving some close goal or event that I see time fly by so quickly.  Why?  Because my focus is not in the moment, it is in the future.

What this teaches me is to be in the moment by being aware of my connection with all that is and with Divine Intelligence.  Be aware of my thoughts, feelings and actions at all times.  Be aware and grateful for the blessings in my life in both my thoughts and in my words.  Breathing deeply and fully and last but not least, expressing love no matter what!

This is my formula for making life a savoring experience.  I notice that I am more productive in my “work in the world” and “what I’m up to” when I am this present.  I get more accomplished in shorter time and the Universe, humanity and circumstances line up to assist me as if by magic.

I am so grateful for these concepts and realizations because I am free from the prison of my own mind and emotions.  I am in dominion to create and be all that I can be.  It is delicious, it is real and it is now.  And so it is…

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

Wow!  I can hardly believe it’s only been four months since I moved to Palm Springs! 

EVERYTHING is perfect just as it is.  I am loved, I have a delicious home, I have a delicious new lover, I have a delicious income and work in the world, I have a delicious educational plan and I am well.  Really, REALLY well.  I could not have planned things any better than they have turned out.

What I can say about that is to continue to stay in the flow or my Vortex and see where I am led and directed each and every day.  I feel good and life more and more delicious every day.  REALLY.

I am back in school studying a course of study that works for me, I am pursuing education through the Morris Pratt Institute for Spiritualism education.

I recently started a Meet Up group as well to discuss Spiritualism, spirituality and just to create a community of like-minded folks that want to love and support each other and CelebrateLife!  How fun!

Check it out at: http://www.meetup.com/Palm-Springs-Spiritualists/

I am endowed with an amazing peace that pervades this entire area.  I am at peace about being at peace.  It is delicious and delightful!

I trust and know that all is well and that life is unfolding perfectly and effortlessly.  I simply have to stay in the flow or my Vortex.

I am grateful for this and SOOOOOO much more.  And so it is…

Friday, August 27, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

Spiritually I feel in tune with my SELF and with the forces of nature that operate and govern the Universe.  I feel so connected with life and with all of nature.  I feel happy and content in all that I am.  This is the first time in all my life.  REALLY!

I started a Meet Up group yesterday for Palm Springs Spiritualism so I can begin the process of building a Spiritualist community here.  It was pretty easy and I am excited to invite folks in to have discussions and "practice".

Check it out: http://www.meetup.com/Palm-Springs-Spiritualists/

I have begun my coursework in Modern Spiritualism through the Morris Pratt Institute.  It is rigorous, VERY interesting and educational.  I can't wait to get into the next lesson.

I love this course of study in Modern Spiritualism because it encompasses ALL spiritual belief systems and does not negate or push out anything.  It is all about UNITY, metaphysical principles and my new favorite topic of Mediumship.  Everything I have done up to this date complements the coursework perfectly and actually adds to my experience.

Other than that, I find at times I don’t have much to write because I simply don’t.  This is NOT a big deal.  I know that it flows from time to time and that all really, REALLY is well.

For this and so much more I am deeply grateful.  And so it is…

Monday, August 16, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex" - Peace, peace, peace...

I feel awesome today.  I feel connected and I feel at peace.  It is a delicious feeling and I know this is because I court IT first and foremost in my life.  This is the cause of all the good things that have happened in life and the radical shift in circumstances that have come about over the last four months.  It took me concentrating on peace and serenity first.

The reason I bring this up today is as a reminder to myself that this is my one true purpose; to be at peace, to be calm and serene.  This is the place that will bring all of my desires and wishes to fulfillment quickly and easily.

Even with a low bank account balance I am at peace.  I know I have more coming and more that that.  I know that everything I will ever need want or desire will come about with an ease and a grace that is unparalleled.

All things that I deem were once “lost” will be found again.  I will find them in delightful and surprising ways.

All relationships are peaceful and serene because I am at peace and have found serenity.  This includes all relationships where I felt hurt, betrayed or damaged in some way.

I am at peace and nothing can shake that.  Only I can shake it by letting go of it and allowing something else to replace it.

Jesus really meant it when he said the peace that passes all understanding.  This is a peace I cannot teach because it is something that has come about by reaching for it and making it my first goal in life; to be at peace.  Things will come and things will go but this peace will stay with me as long as I make it my primary goal.

I am grateful for this peace and for the blessings that have entered my life.  

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Voice.

Once upon a time there was a boy who was very unhappy and discontent with his life.  He wandered around and asked many questions seeking happiness and peace.  He listened to so many words and followed many different paths, but alas, he still found himself back where he started, unhappy and sad.

No one seemed to be able to help him because they all pointed to different things or contradicted each other.  This confused the little boy very much so he decided to hide.

He hid from people, places and events in his life by ingesting things that made him feel good about himself and feel happy for the first time ever.  Wow, had he stumbled onto something?  This was a long lost feeling that he was longing for and deeply desired.  So, he ingested much of these things for many, MANY years and wandered.

When he wasn't ingesting these things, he felt horrible and thought horrible things about himself and those that were close to him.  He also didn't hear, see or feel the love and support that surrounded him and desperately was trying to get his attention.

The boy did this until he was exhausted and ready to give up when a little voice in his head started to tell him what to do.  This little voice scared him at first because he had never heard it before, but, hesitantly, he listened to what the voice told him because it FELT good and came from his HEART.  This was a very new experience for the boy and he found the more he listened to this voice coming from his heart, the better he felt and the better things became.

He started to feel happy for the first time just because he was alive.  He also found that the more he listened to this voice the louder and more persistent it got.  He also noticed things and experiences were improving and his life took on a new direction.

Some of the things this voice told him to do were not very popular with the people in his life.  Some people got mean, angry and hurt with the little boy, but he decided because he kept feeling better, that the voice was more correct than these people.  It was VERY hard for the little boy to do some of the things the voice told him to do, but he listened anyway.

So, he simply walked away from these people, experiences and situations and allowed them to be without any bad feelings.  It was very hard for the boy, but the voice promised him he would find peace and happiness.

He wept and was very sad for a long time.  But, even in this he found peace.  In this process of he noticed he was feeling lighter and lighter and was starting to find happiness in the littlest things.

The more the boy listened to the voice the better things got for him and the better he felt.  Pretty soon the little boy was laughing, giggling and having fun again, just like when he was a little boy oh so many years ago.  Life seemed to be wonderful again and every day was a new adventure.

The boy decided he should thank the voice and be grateful for it's wise words and guidance.  He also decided to tell his story to anyone who would listen because everyone has this voice in their heart.

And so it is...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

I haven't blogged for several weeks so I thought it about time I share from "Inside the Vortex".  A lot of delicious things have occurred and I am in such a state of gratitude and awe that it isn't even funny and I need to share it.

A couple of weeks ago I discovered something missing that was valuable to me and had intended to sell to raise funds for purchasing a car.  That was the next thing on my "hit list" of things to manifest.  One needs a car living in this town to get around more efficiently AND the heat during the summer can be debilitating and it is NOT FUN to walk in it.  I'm talking 115 degrees people.  That's HOT!

So, this item is gone.  Nothing I can do about it.  So, as I've learned from "The Vortex" I need to keep looking in the direction of my desires and not look at what has gone before or experiences that I don't want.  This was simply another opportunity for me to focus.  So I did that and I let go of the anger and upset as I needed and kept moving forward.

Last Friday I went to sell other things of similar value, and well, long story short, I got over double what I was expecting.  Wow!  Cold hard cash.  How yummy!  I spent the drive going home in gratitude and awe with occasional bouts of tears of gratitude.  This stuff REALLY works!

The more I see these concepts show up in my life the more at peace and tranquil I become.  This is so delicious and a wonderful new feeling.  So now I use this peace and tranquility factor as my measurement of whether or not I am in my Vortex.  It has guided me perfectly EVERY time.  No kidding!

Anyway, back to the story, I get home and immediately hit Craigslist looking for a suitable car.  I enter the search word "convertible" and what shows up but a 1998 Mustang Convertible at a price I can afford.  Wow!  I call the number and the contact and I hit it off like old friends and she tells me she will not answer any of the calls she was receiving until I see the car.  How generous of her!

Wait, it gets better!

The car is in amazing condition, low miles for its age and it is my favorite auto color, white with a tan convertible top.  Should I be surprised?  It is simply the Law of Attraction working as I stay in my Vortex.  Wow!

Now I do need to also point out that this make and model car is one I have desired since I was 15 years old.  IT WAS THE FIRST CAR I EVER WANTED AND DESIRED!  How interesting and delicious!

So, I ask again, should I be surprised?  Well, my humanity is still elated and excited about this.  My non-physical self just says, "see!"...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

Lately, I have been experiencing a significant amount of what Abraham calls contrast.  As a human I call it "stuff" or challenges.  I have been experiencing these on personal, interpersonal and physical levels.  I found myself getting caught up in them only for a few days, but I discovered something exceedingly valuable about my path and my Vortex.


Sacred time to me is time spent in the silence of meditation, trance or being in communication with my guides.  It is vital for my mental, emotional and spiritual health. It is more vital than eating, sleeping or breathing because it is nurturing that which I really am; energy and/or spirit.

I found myself over this past holiday weekend straying because I was distracted by this amazing human I am spending time with.  I feel good when I am with him.  So much so that I tend to forget to take time out to connect and take my sacred time.  Oops!

After the weekend I found myself feeling a tad depressed and what I call squirrelly.  I really thought there was something "wrong" with me or the situation.  It was the following day after taking a lot of sacred time and nurturing myself that I came to this realization.

What did this teach me?  I cannot live on yesterday's spiritual truths and realizations.  This life experience is truly a moment to moment experience and my sacred time is vital to my happiness, growth and evolution.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

I have a great "Vortex" and "Law of Attraction" story to share.  It is short, simple and delicious!

I was just finished grocery shopping after going to the gym for Yoga and having lunch.  I had a backpack on my back, my Yoga mat under my arm and about 5 bags of groceries to carry home which is about a 15 minute walk.  Not a big deal, but the grocery bags were awkward AND it's about 95 in Palm Springs today.  Cool by desert standards, but obviously still quite warm.

I had just had an amazing experience with the checker at the grocery store after I told her I was new to town.  She struck up a friendly and hilarious conversation with me and lovingly welcomed me to town and told me she admired my chutzpa for moving here in the summer.  I left her smiling and giggling.  It was wonderful!

So, here I am beginning my 15 to 20 minute walk thinking to myself, "gee, it would be nice to have a ride."  I didn't want to pay for a cab, so I figured the walk and carrying the bags would do me good.  It would be a nice little workout...

Well, I didn't get very far.  A very dear new friend of mine pulls his car over, gets out and and shouts my name after passing me.  Not only did I get a ride home, but I got a few minutes to spend with him, which is always delicious, and got to plan my evening.  WOW!!!!!

The lesson for me is NOT TO EVER WORRY ABOUT ANYTHING AGAIN!  No kidding!!!!

I had a desire, I was obviously in my "Vortex" and, BAM, it happened within moments.  WOW!

I am so grateful for this experience and all the lessons I am learning regarding "The Vortex" and the "Law of Attraction".  Grateful, grateful, grateful!!!  And so it is...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

I found myself outside of my Vortex yesterday for a few minutes and it was not fun!  How could I tell?  I was anxious and not at peace.  I have learned that peace is what I call my barometer for reading whether I am in my Vortex or not.  I was not at peace!

I was trying to figure out how to accomplish something and I was hitting brick wall after brick wall.  The more dead ends I hit the more anxious I was getting.  So, what did I do?  Well, when I realized it, I immediately stopped doing what I was doing and decided to do something that would bring me joy and peace.  I decorated my new room and did creative things.

In the process, I shed a few tears of frustration and allowed myself to check in with friends and my support system.  I knew I was on the right track because the peace returned so quickly and palpably.

So, did I achieve what I was trying to achieve?  Yes, I got back into my Vortex.  I will allow the Law of Attraction to bring to me everything necessary for my expansion and evolution.

Contrast is a given in this world I live in.  How I choose to deal with the contrast is what matters most.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

It's been a few weeks since I last wrote of my spiritual exploits and experiences so I decided it is time to get back to it.  I love writing!

I am in a space of complete surrender, gratitude and awe!  I love this!  Life has unfolded wonderfully since embarking on my new adventure in Palm Springs.  I have experienced nothing but support and love everywhere I go and with everyone I meet.  It is a delicious experience and I can't wait to see what it coming next!

I have been able to receive EVERYTHING I have needed in every moment and it just keeps coming.  Wow!

I am not stressed or pressed for anything.  This is something very new for me and I LOVE it. I have plenty to do every day, but there is no sense of stress or strain over it.  Just a delightful flow.

Gratefully, gratefully, gratefully I look to the horizon in anticipation of the future and what it holds.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

Wow!  I am in a space today of deep gratitude for my experience over these last few months "playing with" the Law of Attraction and The Vortex.

My life has been completely turned around and I am living an amazing experience of synchronicity, ease and grace. I have been having tears of gratitude all day long.  I am soooooooooo deeply grateful!

I came down to Palm Springs to scope out a new place to live.  Well, I found a place that fits my circumstances so well it is uncanny.  It was not a struggle or effort at all.  Wow!  It came to me, just like Jerry and Esther and so many others have been teaching me/us.

Did I have to work for it?  Well, duh, of course I did!  But let me explain, it was not an EFFORT kind of work...

  1. I first had to come to Palm Springs for Spring Break to check things out and see if this would work?
  2. I networked with friends and family and clarified my desires and needs.
  3. I had to place a Craigslist ad under "Room Wanted".  I was guided by my spirit guides to do that.
  4. I had to come to Palm Springs to pick the place.
  5. I had to meet folks and feel the spaces out and see what I liked and what I didn't.  I had to have clarity for the Law of Attraction to work with.
  6. These are just a few of the many things I "did" in keeping my focus sharp as well as all the exercises that I'd picked up and practiced during the 90-Day Vortex Experience.
So, here I sit in Palm Springs in awe and gratitude at how easy this is getting.  Yes, EASY!

I met great, supportive and loving folks all weekend.  I found an amazing space to live.  I got to go dancing Country Western and the list goes on...

Anyone doubting the "Law of Attraction" or "The Secret" I have a message for you.

Do what I did and try it out for a specific period of time and see what happens.  I don't mean just kind of try.  I mean really focus on what you want and find ways to keep yourself feeling good and focused no matter what is happening around you.  I did and my life has done a 180 degree turn and I am just amazed and grateful!

It wasn't always easy at first, but it did bear fruit and now it just gets easier and easier the more I practice it.  I can't wait to see what's next!  What a delicious adventure!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

For those of you out there that doubt the principles of The Law of Attraction, The Secret or The Vortex, I am living proof that this stuff works.  It may not have been easy at first, but they work!

I have been on a roll lately.  I have reached a point of clarity in my life that is unparalleled and I am not turning back for anything.  What happened you ask?  Well I will tell you...

You know how a rubber band can stretch and stretch, but it returns to the same place when released.  Well that is kind of what has been happening to me over the last few years, but I feel like the last time I stretched my rubber band broke.  That will happen if you stretch it too far...

When it broke I acted from a place of exhaustion from the constant stretching.  I was worn out and could not stretch anymore...

What came up for me during these experiences, events and conversations is a peace that I have never felt inside myself EVER.  That is why I know that recent events are the best for me.  This has also become my litmus test of whether or not I am in My Vortex.  Do I feel peace or does this possible direction bring me a sense of peace?

So, I am embarking on a new life adventure.  I am relocating to Palm Springs, CA at the end of this month.  I am going to be VERY close to my family AND I will be ultimately pursuing spiritual work full time.

Wow! What an interesting turn of events.  What a wonderful adventure!  What a wonderful life!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

I am amazed at how easy this is becoming!  It seems the more I authentically express myself, my needs, my desires AND my boundaries with compassion, the more wonderful things are turning out for me.  It really is amazing to my "human" mind anyway.  When I connect with Source, I feel this is just the way to be...

I have been on quite a journey since beginning "The 90-Day Vortex Experience".  My life has taken a complete turn and I am now heading in a direction that feels good AND evidence is showing up that I am on the right track.

How do I KNOW that so profoundly?  Because I feel the peace in my heart and in my body.  It is palpable and real.  It has become my "test" as it were when deciding what to do.  I consider what is bringing me peace and tranquility.  That is the steps I take and continue to take.

I am so excited because I feel alive for the first time ever.  Yes, I said ever.  I have spent so many years doing and being what others wanted of me.  Out of The 90-Day Vortex Experience I realized that and turned it around.

So now, the places where I encounter resistance I back off from because that is not contributing to my peace and tranquility.  It is that easy.

I am embarking on an amazing adventure this summer and I can't wait to share it.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

About a week ago I made a snap decision and reacted to something that had been going on around me for some time now.  It was my emotional response to preserve and protect my SELF.  I am not proud of the way the communication came out, but I am proud that I finally said what needed to be said.

So, let me look at this from the perspective of the "Law of Attraction" and "The Vortex".  My emotional guidance system pointed me to conclude that something was causing way too much pain.  Something was out of whack.  The pain was the clue that I was NOT in my Vortex of creation and that something needed to get looked at and shifted.  So, I worked through my pain and the tears and got into communication.

It ended up not so pretty because I did the snap decision thing I tend to do and communicated in a manner that left the other person bewildered, cut off and shocked.  Basically I dropped a bomb.  This is saying it mildly for sure...  When I get clear and am coming from my "default" way of being I don't leave others room to respond, react or be in communication.  This happened to someone very near and dear to me.

Well, by focusing on what I wanted and not what I didn't want.  I went about my business of making arrangements and plans.  In this focus I was powerfully, with emotion, focusing on what I want to create.  This is a very powerful place to play from.  Focus with emotion equals invoking the law of attraction with power and focus.  This is what I've been attempting to do for some time now, but the part I had been leaving out was the communication piece.  Being honest with where I am and trusting that others will react with compassion and love.

Well the long story short is by holding firm to my ground (my Vortex) and my "decision" I saw a shift in this other person such that they began a conversation to break the ice.  We hadn't spoken for a week and it had been pretty uncomfortable.

We are going to work together on seeing what we can do to rescue the friendship.  There is a lot that needs to be said between us, but I am clear that I finally broke through an ugly barrier that I have run up against my entire life.  What is that barrier you ask?

The barrier of putting EVERYONE first and being subservient to their desires and needs.  My needs have taken a backseat for a LONG time...my whole life!

Exhausted, I had no other recourse than to set a limit and say this is it!  No more!  Sometimes being in my Vortex means having to make unpopular decisions by taking care of my SELF.  Like the flight attendant tells us, "please place the mask over your face first before trying to assist anyone else, including small children traveling with you."  I cannot help or love and appreciate others without having done that for my SELF first.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

I have been feeling a tad down since yesterday afternoon.  I have no clue why and I really don't care except to find out what is underneath of it.  The only way to do that is to allow myself to feel the feelings and not resist them.

"Resistance is futile!"  I know from many years of resisting things that resistance doesn't make it go away, whatever "IT" is.  It only makes it stronger.

What I do know is that by feeling what is there and allowing it to come up, my body will eek out the answer to what is going on for me.  This is called Somatic therapy.  Working with the body to release memories and trauma that are stored in the body.  Something got triggered, nothing more, nothing less...

I am eager to know what got triggered and what needs to be released and integrated.  So, I will sit with my SELF and my body and see what comes up.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

I am amazed at how relaxing ACCEPTANCE can be!

When I accept, and not resist, what is happening around or to me, I am at peace. After all, the only thing I can change is my SELF.

Acceptance of those individuals (and situations) around me, whether I like them or not, brings me a profoundly deep peace. In that peace is a power beyond my understanding that brings what I really want.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

I am amazed at how one seemingly tiny little thought can throw me off Center or out of my Vortex rather quickly.  Just amazing!  One thing I have learned about the Law of Attraction and "The Vortex" is that it is a constant process of watching, witnessing and adjusting.  It is getting easier day by day and moment by moment.

I couldn't help but notice over the last few days that I do not have a reliable support system that can help me get back into my Vortex other than my SELF. (I.E. A coach or a teacher or partner or close friend.)  This is NOT bad news, but it is something to be aware of.  Why?  Because I need to create something or someway to process the "new stuff" that comes up so I can get beyond it and back into my Vortex.

Because I am constantly evolving, those support systems also need to evolve.  What worked yesterday may not necessarily work tomorrow...  I cannot live on yesterday's insights!  Every day is a new beginning!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

The past few days I can't help but notice how calm and released of stress and anxiety I have been.  This is such a huge thing for me.  I have, consistently, throughout my life, spent an inordinate amount of time stressing and being anxious about something I am choosing to create or a challenging circumstance I'm facing.

Trust me!  It isn't productive.  What's interesting is it actually brought to me what I was focusing on; whether it be lack, or loss or challenges or obstacles.  Always, always, always I brought to myself what I was fearing or focusing on.  Its the same, really!

Whatever my focus is, whether it be positive or negative, becomes my experience.  Why do I say this with such conviction? Because I have 40 some years of personal, living proof.

I can easily look back over my life in review and look at every life altering experience and know with firm conviction where my mind and focus was at the time.  In EVERY instance, I got what I was focusing on.  Every time!  If I am unsure, I have volumes and volumes of journals chronicling my life from the age of 17 up until now.  Yes, I can actually research my own life and past.  I journal for growth, but it has also served as a chronicle and a place to review from time to time.

Why am I sharing this with you?  Well, because I figure that if the Law of Attraction has brought to me every negative experience based upon my conscious or unconscious focus of the moment, then the Law of Attraction has been proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to work in my life EVERY TIME!

So, now its time to simply focus on what's ahead and what I am creating.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 90

Isn't it interesting that the day of my last blog entry on this "90-Day Vortex Experience" happens to fall on Easter Sunday.  I didn't plan it that way, but it ended up that way.  Hmmm.  Tends to make one wonder, huh?

There are no accidents in this Universe!  Ever!  Only synchronistic events that seem, to the human mind or ego, to be random and arbitrary.

One thing I have learned from this 90-day process is that nothing is random. Even my challenges and contrasts caused clarity and growth and clarity.  Yes, my pain pushed me to grow and expand beyond being a victim to now being a full-on creator of this experience.

Did I enjoy the pain?  No!  Did I look forward to the contrast and challenges? No!  Did I see contrast as a way to continue to expand and refocus?  Not at first!

Now, Easter Sunday, I can truly say I am reborn anew.  I feel awesome.  I finally have a viable direction to take my life, my life’s experiences and talents and make good money at it.  I have finally come up with a career plan and a direction that really, REALLY works for me.  Yee freakin’ ha!

And the best thing about this...IT FEELS AWESOME!  This process is far from over so please check back here for more entries about living inside the Vortex.  CONSCIOUS expansion and focus is the name of the game I now play and celebration and joy is my purpose for being.

Like I said, I am reborn anew once again.  Gratefully I conclude this 90-Day Vortex experience with joy and hope in my heart.  All is well and so it is...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 89

Wow!  I can't believe that I am down to the last few days on this experience. It's hard to believe I've been blogging about my experience for over 90 days.  That's dedication!

Well I am home from Palm Springs and I feel so freakin' different it isn’t funny.

I feel AWESOME!  I feel good and centered and full of faith, passion and promise.  All really is well.  I really REALLY feel it.  I feel the best I have ever felt in my ENTIRE LIFE!  YAY!

A family member said, “no” to an opportunity I wanted, but I am hopeful that some other way or some other opportunity will fall into my lap.  I KNOW it.  I am tired of not getting what I want and I know now that I don’t have to make it happen, I just have to be in alignment.  That is so easy for me now thanks to this amazing process and the many lessons I have learned along the way.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 88

I feel alive and full of hope and possibility like NEVER before!  I completely attribute this to this 90 day process.  I am reading the book The Vortex for the third time now and, of course, am seeing things I didn't see the first two times I read it.  Imagine that!

I am so full of promise and faith!  I KNOW that all is well and I am guided perfectly by intuition and the synchronicities of life as I focus on STAYING IN MY VORTEX!

I am grateful, I am grateful, I am grateful!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 87

I went up the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway yesterday and experienced WILDERNESS.  OMG!  I cried and was breath taken by the beauty and old memories of childhood and nurturing that I received from the wilderness.  It came to me over and over again.  I am so grateful to be clear again.

From the mountaintop I experienced snow when the desert floor was 80.  Wow!  I could see all the mountains that surround the Coachella Valley and the beautiful wilderness and places available to play in, commune with and have a ball.  WOW!

I just went on a rampage of appreciation and boy does it feel good!  Wow!  I feel alive!!!!

I am singing and laughing and having a ball again just being plain ‘ol me.  What a delicious feeling!

I am so grateful for this and SO much more!  And so it is…

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 86

I woke up feeling like shit today.  I had dreams about my partner. It seemed like a rewind back to my deep feelings of anxiety and depression because I was focusing on him as my source of feeling good.


I jolted out of bed and went to a yoga class and dropped some tears and now I feel much better after that and meditating and checking in with my guides.

What I got clearly was that I have been trying to make something happen.  This is not the way of The Law of Attraction.  The law of attraction is based on me feeling good and nothing more and nothing less.

This is what page 44 of "The Vortex" said to me this morning:
"When the moment of thought is blissful and satisfying -- without the contradictory energy of trying to make something that has not yet happened, happen -- your Vibration is pure and powerful, and your creation can easily flow without hindrance."
So, today I get to work on myself and return myself to that space of feeling good no matter what is going on around me.  I cannot look to ANYTHING outside of my SELF for anything because that will not work.  It is all about feeling good and being connected and present to my Higher Self, the REAL SELF.  I will do things that feel good today and nurture me.

Today I am going to do spiritual quest things.  I need some answers to some deep questions and I need nature to help me do that.  I always feel so calm and centered when I am in nature and beholding the beauty and wonder there.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 85

What a beautiful day driving back to Palm Springs from visiting my family.  It was a great visit and I got all kinds of encouragement, love and support on my recent challenges.

The neatest thing is the synchronicity of events and things that have happened during this trip.  I have been pampered and spoiled and have barely spent a dime.  Wow!  I am effortlessly meeting new folks and stretching myself further than I have in many years.  I have a positive expectation and outlook despite any contrast I am experiencing in my life.

I can't wait to see what the rest of the week uncovers!

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 84

It is so hard to believe that it has almost been 90 days since I began this journey.  Wow!  I can honestly say this has been a life-transforming experience.  I am in a much different place than when I began this journey.

When this journey commenced I was a VICTIM, now I am a CREATOR.

I love every moment of life and I trust that EVERYTHING I want to create is brought to me.  I only have to keep focused on what I want, my Vortex (non-physical self) and release all sense of stress and strain.  I am finding it really is that simple!

What a breath of relief!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 83

Here I am in Palm Springs.  The land of eternal Summer.  Wow, is it fabulous.  The weather is everything that I remember and more.  It is quiet, peaceful, serene and I am surrounded by mountains, blue skies and beautiful singing birds.

I am finally recovered from my long-delayed flight from Friday night and now I find I have all these feelings coming up that need to be felt and listened to.  They have messages for me.  They are speaking to me.  I know from the teachings of Abraham that my feelings are my guidance barometer.  So tune in I will.

Check back for more news and progress as this week moves forward...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 82

It was a glorious day of Yoga, packing for my trip to Palm Springs and then travel.

Travel was a tad frustrating because of major mechanical delays, but I got to spend it with wonderful people as we passed the time.  There was also a slew of children playing games that entertained us a lot as we waited in the empty airport after midnight.  What an interesting new experience.

I am glad I had my arsenal of Mala beads, books and inspirational materials to remind me to stay in my Vortex.  This kept me calm and centered and happy.  What a change from a few years ago.  I would have been angry and livid at the circumstances AND I would have forced the airline to accommodate and compensate me somehow.

I got that anyway.  I got a voucher for some food, I will get some travel vouchers from the airline for future travel AND they will reimburse me for my cab ride to the home I am staying.

My partner pointed out that maybe it was an exercise in patience because there were no other flights for several days.  I either had to wait for the plane to arrive, or forego the trip altogether.  That was, obviously, unacceptable.

So, now I am in Palm Springs visiting old friends, family and getting a much needed break from my routines and "life" in San Francisco.  I really need the break and I have a lot of questions to ask of the desert and of my SELF.

All is delightfully well!  Gratefully I accept this and embrace it.  And so it is...

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 81

What a delicious day it was.  I feel great!

I got some great reminders in my mediumship training class too.  I love my mediumship class!  I have found some great value in speaking and playing with energy and the spirit world.  I have found allies that don't judge or condemn anything I do.  They support me and guide me unerringly in every moment if I am open to it.

This physical journey is all about taking care of my SELF and expression my SELF fully and unabashedly.  This is my journey, this is my recent round of lessons.  This is where I belong.  Taking care of the SELF and allowing everything else to fall into place.

All is well and so it is...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 80

In the book, "The Vortex" I read this morning that there is NO WAY to jump from feeling like crap to the top of the emotional guidance scale.  I have to do this incrementally.  It is the ONLY way.  I can see how this has been my journey for the past couple weeks, but more importantly, the past 3 years or so.

Why do I bring this up?  To remind my SELF that this is not a quick fix journey.  For me, this is essentially rewiring and rethinking EVERYTHING about this experience called human life.

I don't know about you but I was taught to believe it if I see it.  I am now profoundly experiencing that it is actually the believing that is causing the seeing or experience.  It all starts with focus, mind, belief, intent and word.

I feel like I have been “waking up” to who and what I really am for the first time ever.  This is even deeper and more profound than this felt 17 years ago when I moved to San Francisco here from San Diego.  It feels like I am coming into my awareness and practice of my SELF as an energetic, non-physical being.  This is awesome because I feel like I am leaving a lot of ego behind.

This is about Source and not about me.  This is about Source expressing in and through this body and form called Stefen.  I can let go of my personality and remember that I am not this body.  I am so much more.  I am Source powerfully choosing to be here for the purpose of expansion and expression.  Stefen gets to enjoy the ride along the way...

How fun, huh?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 79

Endings and beginnings, endings and beginnings.  When one door closes another door opens...

Last night an announcement was made about the ending of a group I've been a part of for several years.  This group has been instrumental to my spirituality and growth.  I am sad to see it go, but at the same time I cannot help but be amazed at the synchronicity and timing of it.  Hmmm...

I am interested in what is coming up next.  This should be fun!

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 78

Yoga is so amazing!  I love being able to exercise and practice mindfulness at the same time.  It is such a delight!

I went to the Kabuki Spa today for what I call an "Urban Sweat".  It was needed and it was fruitful to detox my body a tad.  I love it so much because I follow the Japanese bathing ritual they have posted up in the locker room.  Every time I do I experience similar insights and ahas just like I do in a sweat lodge.

Nurturing mySELF is getting easier and easier and becoming THE most important thing in my moment to moment existence...

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 76 & 77

Saturday I battled with my SELF...all freakin' day long...  eew!  I got knocked off my Center by stupid things others say and I allowed it to keep me there most of the day.  I guess I forgot to perform some of my Vortex practices...huh?

When I realized what I was doing to MYSELF, I stopped and turned my focus towards what I want and started expressing gratitude.  It shifted me immediately AND it shifted my experience of others as well.

Sunday was an amazing bike ride.  It was like a 6 hour long meditation.  How wonderful and amazing to get fit and meditate at the same time.

I also go to vent with a dear DEAR friend.  I had a lot of "stuff" to get off my chest in order to get myself back into my Vortex.  Venting for me is like punching a bag or pillow.  It brings immediate emotional relief because I don't have that angst pent up inside me anymore.

This stuff really works!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 75

What a lovely day!  I got to spend a lot of time by my SELF which was good for self-reflection.  I realized a lot of things that I have been judging about myself.  That was good because I got to let those things go.

I am clear that the only journey I can take is the one that is in front of me.  It is created by MY focus on my desires and my SELF and my connection.  I cannot control others, their comments or their ways of being, however, I can take myself away from those experiences if they do not feel nurturing to me.

I feel like I have been living a half-life of survival for just over three years now.  It seems to have taken me this long to "wake up" and "smell the coffee".  Well, it took whatever it took, huh?

I am now on the road of seeking out only good feelings and vibes and nurturing my SELF.  I cannot expect another to do that for me anymore.  When I do that I find myself dependent on them for my good feelings.  Eew!

I am heading down to the desert next week for a Vision Quest and to find my SELF again.  No distractions.  Just me, the peace and quiet of the desert and my favorite spiritual teacher.  I trust I will find what I have been seeking over the last few years because it feels like the right thing to do.  It feels expansive and like I am stepping into my own dominion.

I am grateful for life and for being alive in this wildly creative experience.  It is finally time to play and enjoy this experience and shed all the baggage I've picked up along the way.

And so it is...

Friday, March 19, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 74

I feel good today!  Things are moving along perfectly and I don’t even have to know how or why.  They just are.

I am looking forward to getting away to Palm Springs for Spring Break next weekend.  I need to get away and relax for a few days and have some solitude in the peace and quiet of the SoCal desert.  I don’t know what I will find there, but I am so looking forward to the journey and experience.  I know I will find my path down there and the guidance I need to move forward with this latest phase of life.

I KNOW that all is well.  This is the most important thing to remember.  Nothing else matters than that I feel good and press forward with good vibes and great expectations.  All is well and so it is…

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 73

Wow!  This has been an interesting journey thus far.  It has been a shedding of what I needed to shed so I can easily stay in "tune" and in alignment with my Vortex.  It seems I had to shed a lot.  I am in a good place now and can really focus on what I am creating AND on just feeling good.  IT REALLY IS THAT SIMPLE.

I was reading in the book, "The Vortex" by Esther & Jerry Hicks and there is an excellent explanation of our Vortex I want to share:

  • Before your birth into this physical body, you were in the Vortex (no resistant thought resides there).
  • A part of the Consciousness that was you is now focused into the physical you that you know as you.
  • The contrast of your life causes you to send rockets of expansion into your Vortex, where the larger Non-Physical part of you exists.
  • The Vortex, which holds only your positive requests for improvement and expansion, holds no thoughts that contradict improvement and expansion.
  • The Law of Attraction responds to the pure, nonresistant Vibration of your Vortex and gathers all cooperative, Vibrational-matching components that are necessary for the completion of the creation.
  • You are one of the components of your creation.
  • In fact, you are the creation.
  • So the only question is: Are you, from your physical format, right now, a Vibrational Match to your creation? Or not?
  • And the way you feel, right now, as you focus upon the subject of creation is your answer.
  • If you are angry--you are not a Vibrational Match--and you are not in the Vortex.
  • If you are feeling appreciation--you are a Vibrational Match--and you are in the Vortex.
The key to getting inside your vibrational Vortex of Creation, of experiencing the absolute absence of resistance, of achieving complete alignment with all that you have become and all that you desire, and of bringing to your physical experience everything that you desire--is being in the state of appreciation.  And there is no more important object of attention to which you must flow your appreciation than that of self.

The habit of thought, or belief, that holds most people outside of their Vortex of Creation, more than all other thoughts put together, is the lack of appreciation of self.  (pp. 179-180)

This brings me back to the good 'ol mirror work of appreciating myself no matter what.  If nothing else, I can be appreciative of the SPIRIT that I am.  That makes it a tad easier in this and many other moments.

It's all about love and appreciation of self and focusing on what I want.  Nothing more and nothing less.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 72

I feel in the flow of my Vortex and it really is getting easier and easier as I go along.  Are things where I, as a human, want to see them, NO.  Am I worried about that, NO.

I KNOW things are working out AND I see the signs and synchronicity every day.  But most importantly, I feel awesome.  I find very little bothering me anymore.  I am easily able to refocus on what I am creating instead of focusing on the contrast that surrounds me at all times.  For me, Stefen, this is nothing short of a miracle.

I have been focusing on the contrast for quite a while now.  Years if the truth be told.  I have been beating my head against the wall wondering why I am not receiving what I've wanted to create.

What have I learned through this 90 day experience so far: My focus was out of alignment.  Nothing more, nothing less...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 71

I am struck by the amazing synchronicities that are beginning to show up in life.  This really is getting easier as my friend told me.  I simply focus on MY connection with my Vortex or non-physical self or Spirit or soul or whatever you choose to call it.

When I sit with that energy and space I feel so much larger than my body and my circumstances and affairs.  It feels good and I am able to remind myself this human experience does NOT have to be so challenging.  It is supposed to be fun and enjoyable.

I am heading on a retreat for Spring Break this year to Palm Springs.  I have a dear friend that said I could stay with him and borrow his car.  What a generous offer.  I need the break from my current City and climate.  It will be awesome to get away.

Life is finally beginning to become fun, joyful and easy.  Boy am I grateful for that!

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 69 & 70

What a great couple of days.  I am really getting in touch with staying in my Vortex and what that FEELS like.  Better yet, I like the results and synchronicities that are showing up.

I feel at peace, I feel good about my SELF, I feel good about my life and the direction it is taking.

Simply stated, this whole Vortex experience is about self-care and self-love.  Nothing more and nothing less.  My goal is to feel at peace at all times, no matter what.  If I am not experiencing peace, then I know I am in the way.  My thoughts and feelings are taking me away from my Vortex (Center).

A friend told me when I first started this journey that it would get easier and that I would reach a critical mass.  She was telling the truth!

The more I focus on feeling at peace, centered and connected (in my Vortex) the more wonderful life is getting.  The best thing is as my friend said, it is easier and easier to stay in my Vortex.  I simply recognize I am not in it and turn away from what I am experiencing (or resisting) and focus on getting back into my Vortex.

It took a while to get here, but it was well worth the journey because my passion and verve for life is returning.  I haven't felt this good in about 17 years.  Wow!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 68

It is interesting that the better I feel and reach for improvement in my emotional guidance, the more things shift for the better.  I am in a place of flux in my life right now, but there is no sense of strain or stress or upset about it.

It is what it is and it isn't what it isn't.  Just as it should be...

I am in a space of calm relaxation and knowing that I am heading in the right direction by not resisting what is here now.  I just sometimes have to notice where I am so I can shift my focus.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 67

Wow, synchronicity and peace keep coming to me more easily and effortlessly.  It is a delicious experience and I love how and what I am feeling.  It seems the more I focus on me and my Vortex, the better things are turning out, but more importantly, the BETTER I FEEL.  This is the whole point of this 90-Day experience.

How am I doing this.  Well, I will tell again what I am doing on a daily basis to turn my attention to what I want and away from what I don't:

  1. I pray and meditate everyday.  Usually several times a day.
  2. I work with my wrist Mala beads and think of things to be grateful for with every relationship I want to improve.
  3. I read the following every day after my prayers:  http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/teachings_brief.php
  4. I write in my journal about what I am experiencing and what I am finding out about my SELF.
  5. I am sharing about my insights and experiences with my Spiritualist Pastor and another trusted advisor.
  6. I notice, celebrate and document the synchronicities that are happening in my life daily.
  7. I look for more miracles and for avenues of relief from my "human" mind (ego).
  8. I read daily from the book, "The Vortex".
  9. I listen to chants and spiritual music exclusively.
  10. I support myself in ways that work for me.  I go to 12-step meetings, therapy, classes, etc.
  11. I express my truth in the moment with love and compassion.
  12. I live in a space of gratitude.
That, in a nutshell, is my prescription for success in this Vortex Experience.  Things are working out and not necessarily in the ways I think they would or SHOULD have.  Interesting how that works when I surrender...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 66

I feel amazing and it just gets better and better every day.  I feel more and more like my old self and that none of the stuff I have been through is that big of a deal.  It was all for my expansion and evolution.  Well I feel like I have arrived and it is a delicious feeling to be comfortable in my own skin again knowing who I am and where I am going.  All really is well.

I spoke with a good friend this morning and he was VERY supportive of something I've been considering lately.  He said that it sounds like I have thought it through completely and agrees with my thoughts and feels like it is a good thing for me to consider.  How interesting!

I know I didn’t need that confirmation, but it is yet another synchronicity I cannot ignore.  Wow!

I am getting more and more excited about life in combination with The Vortex and Law of Attraction.  I feel excited for the first time in a LONG time.  Gracias a Dios!

So, today is an adventure of work, service and education and growth.  It will be a delicious day and I can't wait to see what happens and shows up!  Wow, did I say that?

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 65

This stuff really does work!  The more I focus positively and on my Vortex the more things seem to be heading in a positive direction and towards things that are wanted.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 62, 63 & 64

I have been so busy these past few days that I have been unable to catch up with my SELF and write.  I enjoy writing when I am authentically expressing myself.  I find it relaxing and educational.  As I write I learn about myself.  It also causes me to review the past few moments to see what I've learned from the contrast I am experiencing...

It is an interesting dance we are all involved in here.  On one hand we are taught the Law of Attraction and that Mind/Spirit are more real than what we see, hear, touch, taste and smell.  On the other hand we experience strong contrast to allow us to learn, grow and expand as a means to focus or "lean" more fully on that part of us which is non-physical.  It can be VERY distracting and shift focus from the non-physical to the physical.  Even still, we are eventually brought to our knees about this existence and that the non-physical is more real than the physical.  I know I have felt that way lately.

I feel like EVERYTHING I have tried to muster to create has failed me miserably.  I know now it is because I have been focusing on what I don't want or the appearances of contrast that are in front of me.  It is a challenge to shift focus to something that is intangible, but that is what this whole experience of the 90-Vortex Experience is about for me.  Focusing exclusively on the non-physical side of my SELF or my Vortex and stay there.  Allow the creations I have started to come to me.  I have seen a lot of growth and a lot of expansion.

This has created more faith in my self and reminds me of a time when I played in this dance so effortlessly.

What it all comes down to is that I have to tend to me, my vibration and stop worrying about the rest.

I have spent so much time worrying, worrying, worrying and looking for the outcome.  THIS IS NOT THE WAY OF PEACE AND JOY!

I have to remind myself of this moment by moment.  I have to shed the "stuff" that no longer works and trust the feelings I am feeling inside as I stay in touch with my SELF.  These feelings are like my own personal GPS system telling me which way to turn and which way not to turn.

The slightest feeling of resistance of or discord is a resounding, "no"; whereas, a feeling of relief or expansion is a, "YES".

I am trusting this more and more and I am finding peace in this.  This is my one true goal, The Peace of Source!

Friday, March 5, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 61

I am at a loss of what to write for a change.  Can you believe that?  I can't!

I feel like I have crossed a major hurdle in my life experience and have dealt with some major issues and "stuff" inside myself that were blocking my progress with this Vortex Experience.

The long story short; IT WAS ALL ME AND IN MY MIND!

I had conflicting thoughts and beliefs that were contrary to my Vortex and Vibrational Escrow.  I see this as if I were clearly looking at a beautiful sunset on the beach.

Now I feel at peace, AND I still have to practice what I have been practicing.  STAYING IN MY VORTEX and focusing upon what I want to create or upon things I am grateful for.  Moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day, etc...  It is a never ending process of conscious focus and conscious creation.

Can you dig it? I can...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 60

Wow!  I am now 60 days into my 90-Day Vortex Experience.  I can honestly say that life is much better AND it doesn't look anything like I thought it would.  How interesting is that?

An experience came up in my life that could have been seen as negative or challenging.  It ended up being an opportunity for discussion and a deepening in a relationship with someone in my life.  It opened up a discussion about possibility and out of this possibility came some amazing honesty, intimacy and creative solutions and possibilities.  All of them are exciting and expansive.

My point here is I never know why an experience may be coming into my life as I focus on my energy and my Vortex.  I can either have a "knee-jerk" reaction and judge and resist it saying, "this should NOT be", or I can step back and witness what is unfolding.  In witnessing and being honest with my Self and others, and staying in alignment what could have been considered a challenge or negative ended up as an opportunity for expansion.

Is there a challenge to be dealt with still?  Yes, but the energy with which I see it is radically different.  THIS IS THE WHOLE POINT!


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 59

I am amazed at how easy this Law of Attraction really is.  I really is easy!  Hear me out...

It is just complex applying it and being CONSISTENT, especially when “stuff” comes up.  I certainly have a LOT of “stuff”.  What I am clear about is that improvement or emotional relief is my measurement.  How does it feel when I consider a course of action or allow myself to purge and cleanse myself?  Relief is my litmus test.  Does it bring emotional and energetic relief?

I have been going through some challenging times lately.  The neatest thing is that I have allowed myself to cry or be angry about something.  Why?  Because it brings emotional/energetic relief.  Hear me out...

If I am holding onto my anger it becomes resentment.  Further down the emotional ladder.
If I am holding onto sadness it can become angst or stress or anger.  Further down the emotional ladder.

So, in allowing myself to cry and purge/cleanse what I am feeling, I am bringing IMMEDIATE RELIEF to my Self.  I feel RELIEF after crying or expressing my suppressed anger in a safe manner.  The angst goes away and I am once again sitting in my Vortex.

With the release of those feelings I am opening up to things that far surpass my human intellect.  Magic and miracles seem to happen right in front of me.  REALLY!

God I love this experience and journey!  It has been so rewarding and exhilarating.  My passion and excitement for life is returning once again.  Yay!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 58

It was a good day and I am clear this whole thing about "The Vortex" experience is all about managing my vibration and my alignment with my non-physical self and nothing else.

I keep falling down from time to time, but I keep getting up again.  I guess I am learning how to walk...

I have focused for so long on things outside my SELF and this has gotten me into so many challenges and situations in the past.  No more!  Eew!

I cannot wait for others anymore.
I cannot wait for others to change to make me happy or content.
I cannot wait for others to make things good for me.
I cannot look for ANYTHING outside of my SELF.
End of discussion!

I trust this and only this because I've got nothing to prove it wrong yet.  My best efforts of depending on others has gotten me where I am.  Now I am focusing my The Self and seeing where that is leading.

Progress, not perfection.  Continual expansion and growth is the name of my game.  Let's see how it plays out.

Blessed be!

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 57

I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike, I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like...

What a wonderful and AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL day riding my bicycle for the first time in about three weeks.  67 miles...wow!

I was pretty congested over the last few weeks thanks to a homeopathic remedy my naturopathic doctor has me on.  He "forgot" to tell me about some of the other side effects that could happen.  Well, they all did, but the good news is there is improvement in the area being treated as well.  Yay!  This is huge progress because I have been dealing with this condition for going on two years or so.

I could say this is a manifestation of healing that I have been "blocking" by focusing on the symptoms and treating the symptoms instead of seeking alignment and then treating the cause....


It's all about the "mind" and where I choose to keep my focus.  This isn't selfish, it is taking care of the God Spark that I am.  In loving and caring for my SELF I am caring for my spirit.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 56

What a wonderful day it was.  Resting, relaxing, playing with friends and KNOWING that things are flowing easily and effortlessly.

It seems the more I practice these principles, the better things seem to be coming together.


Remember I've been sharing about a few relationships where they are NOT where I want them to be?  Well these relationships are improving just by the fact that I am expressing gratitude daily for these people. Real gratitude, not made up stuff!

I am also focusing on what makes me happy and content as opposed to worrying about what the world can give me to achieve this space.

I can honestly say that at Day 56 things are improving and a momentum seems to be arriving that is unparalleled.  It is uncanny, wonderful and exactly what I needed.

Now the rest is about continuing these practices daily no matter what, not just when things are crappy!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 55

I find it interesting the more I take care of myself and my needs and desires, the better I feel and the better things are going for me.  Very interesting.

I know now that my recent past was all about me not doing this.  I fell further and further away from taking care of myself in my relationships.  All of them.  The more I did this the crappier I felt and the worst things went for me.

I was like a liquid that would fill whatever mold was in front of me.  Family, friends or other relationships dictated the form and function of my life (mold).  Eew!  This caused me significant pain and it deeply affected all of those relationships as well because my intent and energy goes out from me like radio waves.

I see now that what I was doing was using these relationships as a means to feel good about my SELF.  Pretty much like being an addict.  Dependent on something outside of me to make me feel good.  I see this now and can refocus my energy and intent on me and my needs and desires.  The rest will fall into place out of this.

I am so grateful for this insight!

I can clearly see the pattern throughout my entire life now.  I am no longer going to take that drug and I am running to recovery meetings to get the emotional support I need to proceed and exceed in my life.

Friday, February 26, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 54

This is all about taking care of my SELF and feeling good.  Remember?

Well it seems the more I do this, the better I feel and the easier it is for me to turn away from contrast or unwanted conditions.  I feel like I am reaching a critical mass and that things are unfolding like "magic".

Yee freakin' ha!  It is about time.

I have some major ideas and developments that I want to share, but I have to let them stew for a few days.  I have to check them in with some of my trusted advisors and my partner, but I have a feeling it is all going to work really well because all of the details are lining up so easily and wonderfully.


The law of attraction is leading me to heal some very deep issues and things that have caused me to be separated in my mind from Source for too long.  This healing process did not feel so good at first, but now I can look back and see the feelings were my EMOTIONAL GUIDANCE SYSTEM trying to tell me something.  I was not in my Vortex!

I am now consciously back in the flow and heading down a road that I must.  I know all the details will fall into place with an ease and a grace that I haven't experienced for close to 16 years.  For this and so much more I am grateful.  So may it be...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 53

My entry today is short and sweet.  Life always gives me what I need!

Sometimes what I get does not look like what I want, but if I step back I can see how the things that come to me are a progression of insights and growth necessary to achieve what I say I want in any one moment.

There is immense power in the spoken word, but more importantly in thought (or intent) because thought ALWAYS precedes words or actions.

I am beginning to finally fall in love with life again, but more specifically, MY LIFE!  Yay!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

the 90-Day Vortex Experience - Day 52

One of the things I want to share is about gratitude and how important it is.

This is a practice I've recently added to everything else I've been sharing with you over the last 51 days.  It hit me as I continue to read the book, "The Vortex" again.  Remember, my task is to practice these principles exclusively for 90 days to see what happens.

For me this means reading the book over and over again, listening to spiritual music and chants only, praying and meditating often, working with my spirit guides and teachers and writing and sharing my journey.

The past few days I have taken to heart the practice of being grateful for things about people in my life.  Specifically, people that I have been having challenges with chronically or otherwise.  I am sure no one out there has crappy relationships they'd like to improve.

So as part of my prayer practices in the morning and evening I think of all the people I have less than lovely relationships with.  I find two things to consciously be grateful for with each and every one of them.  It sounds easy, but it isn't at first.  I has taken some serious focus.

What is the result?  I feel better AND I find I am able to focus on what I want much easier than on what I am not receiving or what I am frustrated with.

Thank you Abraham, Esther and Jerry!  I am becoming freer and freer in my head and in my heart.  I am sleeping much better and more soundly.  I wake up excited and ready for my day and I am beginning to smile, giggle and laugh again.  Oh wow,  yesterday I even caught myself singing joyfully....  Imagine that!

Have a delicious day in creating a delicious life!  XOXOXO