Monday, August 16, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex" - Peace, peace, peace...

I feel awesome today.  I feel connected and I feel at peace.  It is a delicious feeling and I know this is because I court IT first and foremost in my life.  This is the cause of all the good things that have happened in life and the radical shift in circumstances that have come about over the last four months.  It took me concentrating on peace and serenity first.

The reason I bring this up today is as a reminder to myself that this is my one true purpose; to be at peace, to be calm and serene.  This is the place that will bring all of my desires and wishes to fulfillment quickly and easily.

Even with a low bank account balance I am at peace.  I know I have more coming and more that that.  I know that everything I will ever need want or desire will come about with an ease and a grace that is unparalleled.

All things that I deem were once “lost” will be found again.  I will find them in delightful and surprising ways.

All relationships are peaceful and serene because I am at peace and have found serenity.  This includes all relationships where I felt hurt, betrayed or damaged in some way.

I am at peace and nothing can shake that.  Only I can shake it by letting go of it and allowing something else to replace it.

Jesus really meant it when he said the peace that passes all understanding.  This is a peace I cannot teach because it is something that has come about by reaching for it and making it my first goal in life; to be at peace.  Things will come and things will go but this peace will stay with me as long as I make it my primary goal.

I am grateful for this peace and for the blessings that have entered my life.  

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