In the book, "The Vortex" I read this morning that there is NO WAY to jump from feeling like crap to the top of the emotional guidance scale. I have to do this incrementally. It is the ONLY way. I can see how this has been my journey for the past couple weeks, but more importantly, the past 3 years or so.
Why do I bring this up? To remind my SELF that this is not a quick fix journey. For me, this is essentially rewiring and rethinking EVERYTHING about this experience called human life.
I don't know about you but I was taught to believe it if I see it. I am now profoundly experiencing that it is actually the believing that is causing the seeing or experience. It all starts with focus, mind, belief, intent and word.
I feel like I have been “waking up” to who and what I really am for the first time ever. This is even deeper and more profound than this felt 17 years ago when I moved to San Francisco here from San Diego. It feels like I am coming into my awareness and practice of my SELF as an energetic, non-physical being. This is awesome because I feel like I am leaving a lot of ego behind.
This is about Source and not about me. This is about Source expressing in and through this body and form called Stefen. I can let go of my personality and remember that I am not this body. I am so much more. I am Source powerfully choosing to be here for the purpose of expansion and expression. Stefen gets to enjoy the ride along the way...
How fun, huh?
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