Friday, October 1, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

I can’t help but notice that my life is an enfoldment and unfoldment of ease and grace.  Also, if and as I savor each moment, life does not fly by so fast.  It is when I get caught up in a deadline, studying for a test or achieving some close goal or event that I see time fly by so quickly.  Why?  Because my focus is not in the moment, it is in the future.

What this teaches me is to be in the moment by being aware of my connection with all that is and with Divine Intelligence.  Be aware of my thoughts, feelings and actions at all times.  Be aware and grateful for the blessings in my life in both my thoughts and in my words.  Breathing deeply and fully and last but not least, expressing love no matter what!

This is my formula for making life a savoring experience.  I notice that I am more productive in my “work in the world” and “what I’m up to” when I am this present.  I get more accomplished in shorter time and the Universe, humanity and circumstances line up to assist me as if by magic.

I am so grateful for these concepts and realizations because I am free from the prison of my own mind and emotions.  I am in dominion to create and be all that I can be.  It is delicious, it is real and it is now.  And so it is…