Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

I have been feeling a tad down since yesterday afternoon.  I have no clue why and I really don't care except to find out what is underneath of it.  The only way to do that is to allow myself to feel the feelings and not resist them.

"Resistance is futile!"  I know from many years of resisting things that resistance doesn't make it go away, whatever "IT" is.  It only makes it stronger.

What I do know is that by feeling what is there and allowing it to come up, my body will eek out the answer to what is going on for me.  This is called Somatic therapy.  Working with the body to release memories and trauma that are stored in the body.  Something got triggered, nothing more, nothing less...

I am eager to know what got triggered and what needs to be released and integrated.  So, I will sit with my SELF and my body and see what comes up.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

I am amazed at how relaxing ACCEPTANCE can be!

When I accept, and not resist, what is happening around or to me, I am at peace. After all, the only thing I can change is my SELF.

Acceptance of those individuals (and situations) around me, whether I like them or not, brings me a profoundly deep peace. In that peace is a power beyond my understanding that brings what I really want.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

I am amazed at how one seemingly tiny little thought can throw me off Center or out of my Vortex rather quickly.  Just amazing!  One thing I have learned about the Law of Attraction and "The Vortex" is that it is a constant process of watching, witnessing and adjusting.  It is getting easier day by day and moment by moment.

I couldn't help but notice over the last few days that I do not have a reliable support system that can help me get back into my Vortex other than my SELF. (I.E. A coach or a teacher or partner or close friend.)  This is NOT bad news, but it is something to be aware of.  Why?  Because I need to create something or someway to process the "new stuff" that comes up so I can get beyond it and back into my Vortex.

Because I am constantly evolving, those support systems also need to evolve.  What worked yesterday may not necessarily work tomorrow...  I cannot live on yesterday's insights!  Every day is a new beginning!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Life inside "The Vortex"

The past few days I can't help but notice how calm and released of stress and anxiety I have been.  This is such a huge thing for me.  I have, consistently, throughout my life, spent an inordinate amount of time stressing and being anxious about something I am choosing to create or a challenging circumstance I'm facing.

Trust me!  It isn't productive.  What's interesting is it actually brought to me what I was focusing on; whether it be lack, or loss or challenges or obstacles.  Always, always, always I brought to myself what I was fearing or focusing on.  Its the same, really!

Whatever my focus is, whether it be positive or negative, becomes my experience.  Why do I say this with such conviction? Because I have 40 some years of personal, living proof.

I can easily look back over my life in review and look at every life altering experience and know with firm conviction where my mind and focus was at the time.  In EVERY instance, I got what I was focusing on.  Every time!  If I am unsure, I have volumes and volumes of journals chronicling my life from the age of 17 up until now.  Yes, I can actually research my own life and past.  I journal for growth, but it has also served as a chronicle and a place to review from time to time.

Why am I sharing this with you?  Well, because I figure that if the Law of Attraction has brought to me every negative experience based upon my conscious or unconscious focus of the moment, then the Law of Attraction has been proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to work in my life EVERY TIME!

So, now its time to simply focus on what's ahead and what I am creating.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 90

Isn't it interesting that the day of my last blog entry on this "90-Day Vortex Experience" happens to fall on Easter Sunday.  I didn't plan it that way, but it ended up that way.  Hmmm.  Tends to make one wonder, huh?

There are no accidents in this Universe!  Ever!  Only synchronistic events that seem, to the human mind or ego, to be random and arbitrary.

One thing I have learned from this 90-day process is that nothing is random. Even my challenges and contrasts caused clarity and growth and clarity.  Yes, my pain pushed me to grow and expand beyond being a victim to now being a full-on creator of this experience.

Did I enjoy the pain?  No!  Did I look forward to the contrast and challenges? No!  Did I see contrast as a way to continue to expand and refocus?  Not at first!

Now, Easter Sunday, I can truly say I am reborn anew.  I feel awesome.  I finally have a viable direction to take my life, my life’s experiences and talents and make good money at it.  I have finally come up with a career plan and a direction that really, REALLY works for me.  Yee freakin’ ha!

And the best thing about this...IT FEELS AWESOME!  This process is far from over so please check back here for more entries about living inside the Vortex.  CONSCIOUS expansion and focus is the name of the game I now play and celebration and joy is my purpose for being.

Like I said, I am reborn anew once again.  Gratefully I conclude this 90-Day Vortex experience with joy and hope in my heart.  All is well and so it is...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 89

Wow!  I can't believe that I am down to the last few days on this experience. It's hard to believe I've been blogging about my experience for over 90 days.  That's dedication!

Well I am home from Palm Springs and I feel so freakin' different it isn’t funny.

I feel AWESOME!  I feel good and centered and full of faith, passion and promise.  All really is well.  I really REALLY feel it.  I feel the best I have ever felt in my ENTIRE LIFE!  YAY!

A family member said, “no” to an opportunity I wanted, but I am hopeful that some other way or some other opportunity will fall into my lap.  I KNOW it.  I am tired of not getting what I want and I know now that I don’t have to make it happen, I just have to be in alignment.  That is so easy for me now thanks to this amazing process and the many lessons I have learned along the way.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 88

I feel alive and full of hope and possibility like NEVER before!  I completely attribute this to this 90 day process.  I am reading the book The Vortex for the third time now and, of course, am seeing things I didn't see the first two times I read it.  Imagine that!

I am so full of promise and faith!  I KNOW that all is well and I am guided perfectly by intuition and the synchronicities of life as I focus on STAYING IN MY VORTEX!

I am grateful, I am grateful, I am grateful!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The 90-Day Vortex Experience - Days 87

I went up the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway yesterday and experienced WILDERNESS.  OMG!  I cried and was breath taken by the beauty and old memories of childhood and nurturing that I received from the wilderness.  It came to me over and over again.  I am so grateful to be clear again.

From the mountaintop I experienced snow when the desert floor was 80.  Wow!  I could see all the mountains that surround the Coachella Valley and the beautiful wilderness and places available to play in, commune with and have a ball.  WOW!

I just went on a rampage of appreciation and boy does it feel good!  Wow!  I feel alive!!!!

I am singing and laughing and having a ball again just being plain ‘ol me.  What a delicious feeling!

I am so grateful for this and SO much more!  And so it is…