Monday, October 19, 2009

Affirmation for the week

I feel great. I feel great. I FEEL GREAT!

I can see and feel my SELF now. It is my pleasure to create and live and experience Life in an amazing way. It is my role to give way to the Divine and allow It to express in and through me now.

I step out the way and allow this Life to be lived fully and with the amazing direction and guidance from Source. I am Source, I exist in Source, I express Source and I give of my Self to Source. This is all there is. This is all I need to remember. It is ALL Source and if it is all Source, then it is all me as I am Source as this life called me. Wow!

Today I get what I need to get done, done. Today I celebrate living and life and I enjoy this experience fully and with love and gratitude.

For this and so much more I am grateful. And so it is…

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Channeled discourse on Peace

Peace: the peace that passes all understanding, the peace that is bestowed upon us by the dawning of our mind of a new reality.

Humans so often think that peace is a state of mind achieved when circumstances are such that they no longer annoy or bother the ego or mind. Actually, that is working from the outside in, focusing on external circumstances. We know from the law of cause and effect and the law of attraction that everything begins within the mind. Everything begins with individual consciousness or thought and feeling…everything, everything, everything, without exception begins in the mind of the individual soul.

So, peace and tranquility can only be found by an inner recognition. As Jesus called it, “the peace that passes all understanding.” What he meant was that to the human mind, to the ego, this peace makes no sense. It passes all understanding. Yes, there can be a peace when circumstances in the outside world appear tumultuous or challenging or even threatening. Peace, lasting peace, true tranquility, true calm can only be achieved by an inner knowing, an inner connection, an inner feeling of connection with Source.

By going within many of us think we are going to find something by meditating and praying. The mind is rampant even in the silence of your soul, in the silence of your meditations and in your spiritual work. The mind cannot be stilled. It is like a river going over rocks. It will always be there.

But if you go underneath those rapids to the very base or bottom of the river, down, down, deep, deep, deep within the river, down at the bottom you will notice a calm; a smooth path. So, truly it is only on the surface that we see and feel the challenges, bumps and hiccups of life. So if we go underneath, deep underneath to the feeling core that peace is there.

The clue is in the word “feel”. So I, as Stefen, FEEL my connection with source, I FEEL my energy body, IFEEL IT. I do not think IT. It is an experience. It is not a consciousness experience it is a FEELING experience. For being “in Spirit” (inspired) is being in rapture. Being in connection is being at peace because despite all that is going on in the outside world there is an understanding or FEELING in this connection that all is well regardless of appearances. There is a calm within that allows Stefen to express in the moment with a loving and compassionate consciousness.

It is not a difficult experience. It only takes a moment of recognition and connection. And yes, oh yes, OH YES, the experience of humanity is challenging. The experience of the mind is that it continues to bounce back and forth and back and forth and back and forth from this wonderful, centered peace into the human ego experience.

Most people want a “how to”, a step, a guide, a tool in order to achieve that which they are seeking or that which is being spoken about or taught. This is what I have to say to you, let go of the outside world, let go of your desires, let go of your wishes and needs. Let go, let go, let go. Yes they are important, but in the sanctity of your meditations you let them go. In the moments that you pray and meditate you let go of absolutely everything in the outside world and you sense and feel. Don’t think! Remember what I said, sense and feel your oneness with Source, with God, with Spirit. Whatever you choose to call it. Sense and feel the connection. Breathe into it and expand it.

All the distractions of the ego and the human mind will be there when you get back. However, by practicing this place of peace and connection you will deal with things in a much different fashion. If you don’t believe me, try it out. Try it! Why not? That’s how most great discoveries are made…by trying things out.

Why can’t the human mind try things out? It is different with each individual. Just as different as the fingerprints are for each human. So is the process of connecting with Spirit and finding our own path and your own expression as a spiritual being. These paths are just as unique.

So, although there are similar ways such as meditation each individual’s connection is different. So let go of what the mind tells you peace is. Let go of what the ego tells you peace is and find it within yourself.

Bring that sense of calm, that sense of peace, that sense of tranquility into everything that you do. It is that simple. It is a practice. It is NOT permanent. Practice, practice, practice, practice. In Yoga, you give yourself room to go off balance and to fall. We call it Yoga PRACTICE, not Yoga perfection. It’s all about testing, expanding, and consciously growing.

And so it is…